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2019届高考英语(外研版)一轮复习练习:选修7 5 Module5知能演练

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Chinese Emoji(表情符号) Circles Globe

“Funny”,a made-in-China emoji,seems to have recently moved beyond China. Now,it is more than an emoji,but a cultural expansion. Reaching Global Markets

A series of “funny” emoji-based bolsters(抱枕) have attracted the attention of Japanese customers. Even if one bolster is more than three times as expensive as in China,it doesn’t kill their desires to buy it. One Japanese customer Miki said,“They are just so cute that I bought three bolsters at one time. And every time I see them,my mood just brightens suddenly.”A Japanese netizen Kiro Kara said,“My dad will send it whenever he doesn’t agree with someone but he has to behave politely.”

Addition to Domestic(国内的) Social Media

One commonly seen online comment from Chinese netizens is,“Every time other people send me the emoji,I feel very uncomfortable and consider myself as a fool.”

Released in 2013,the “funny” emoji is the updated version of its original one; “funny” has a smiley mouth,two eyebrows and a naughty look. All these characteristics present a sense of satire(讽刺).

In Everyday Use Abroad

Earlier this year,one emoji from the Chinese basketball celebrity Yao Ming,who played in U.S.A.,has been spread through the Middle East region. In a city in Egypt,Yao’s smiling emoji has appeared in local traffic signs to remind people the road ahead is one-way.

As a new online language,emojis have been helping people express their views in a more vivid and precise way. Also,it can help foreigners learn about Chinese culture. But how to use “the fifth innovation(创新) in China” without hurting others and turn them into commercial advantages still needs answers.

【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了中国的网络表情符号“有趣”对中国和世界文化的影响。

1.Why do the bolsters attract Miki’s attention? A.They are cheap. B.They are desirable.



C.They help lift the spirits. D.They help behave politely.

C 解析:推理判断题。根据第二段Miki所说的话“And every time I see them,my mood just brightens suddenly.”可知,Miki购买了几个带“有趣”表情符号的抱枕,看到这些抱枕Miki的心情就高兴起来,故C正确。

2.Which of the following can be inferred according to the text? A.The “funny” emoji was created by Yao Ming.

B.The “funny” emoji-based bolsters sell better in Japan than in China. C.The “funny” emoji helps foreigners understand Chinese culture better. D.The “funny” emoji is regarded as friendliness by most Chinese netizens.

C 解析:推理判断题。根据第六段第二句“Also,it can help foreigners learn about Chinese culture.”可知,表情符号可以帮助外国人更好地了解中国文化,故C项正确。

3.What’s the author’s attitude towards the emoji mentioned in this text? A.Critical. C.Subjective.

B.Doubtful. D.Objective.

D 解析:观点态度题。根据最后一段内容可知,本文既说明了表情符号的积极意义,也提出了表情符号存在的问题;据此可以判断,本文作者对于表情符号的态度是客观的,故D项正确。

4.The main purpose of the text is to________. A.promote the emoji worldwide B.teach us how to use the emoji C.explain the meaning of the emoji D.show us the popularity of the emoji

D 解析:目的意图题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了“有趣”这一中国网络表情符号对国内外市场和文化的影响;据此可以判断,本文旨在向我们说明表情符号的流行情况,故D正确。



Volunteering Is Fun

One afternoon I was sitting at home feeling so bored.Instead of feeling sorry for myself, I wanted to meet people and have new experiences so I decided to start volunteering.I searched on



my computer and found a website where I could volunteer on a farm in France.

My time working on a farm was a new experience for me.It was basically a free holiday as food and accommodation were provided.However,it was not your typical holiday as I had to look after fifteen horses and sleep at the top of a tower in a castle!I was an awful farmer but it did not matter because I made some great friends.

However,you do not need to go abroad to volunteer.I have had plenty of adventures at home as volunteering can become a hobby.For example,I love singing so I had a good laugh waving my arms in an attempt to conduct my local choir.I did slowly improve and it felt great to conduct the choir in a concert.At university,I organised a concert for charity with my friends.It was really fun founding bands and raising money for a cause we believe in.

It is true that you feel good volunteering but there are also other advantages.I once volunteered as a server at a charity sports event where the organizers gave me cupcakes to thank me for my services.I also volunteered in a charity shop so I found loads of nice cheap clothes to update my wardrobe(衣柜).

While this is all fun,my favourite aspect of volunteering is creating and sharing stories.My terrible attempts at farming have given me hilarious stories to tell!Talking to volunteers from different countries and backgrounds has also helped me learn more about the world.I feel thankful to have had so much fun with many nice people thanks to volunteering.

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