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666--Point is, I did not know that it was your car,问题是,我不知道这是你的车,

667--and I certainly did not know about your daughter's wedding!并且我当然也不知道您女儿今


668--I trusted you, Nicky.我信任你,尼基。

669--I welcomed you into my home.我欢迎你到我家。

670--We broke bread together.我们一起吃。

671--Grandmama made you a cannoli.奶奶给你一个香炸奶酪卷。

672--And how did you repay my generosity?而你是怎么对待我的慷慨的?

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673--With a rug made from the butt of a skunk.卖给我一个臭鼬屁股毛做的毛毯。

674--A skunk-butt rug.一只臭鼬屁股毛地毯。

675--You disrespected me.你不尊重我。

676--You disrespected my grandmama,你不尊重我的奶奶,

677--who I buried in that skunk-butt rug.她被埋在那件臭鼬屁股毛的毛毯里。

678--I told you never to show your face here again, but here you are.我告诉过你不要再出现在我


679--Snooping around with this...和这个...窥探

680--What are you? A performer? What's with the costume?你是什么?一个演员?还穿着戏服?

681--- Sir, I am a co... - Mime!- 先生,我是一个警... - 她是个哑巴!

682--She's a mime. This mime can not speak.她是一个哑巴。这个哑巴不会讲话。

683--- You can't speak if you're a mime. - No, I am a cop.- 这个哑巴不能说话,你不能说话。 -


684--And I'm on the Emmitt Otterton case. And my evidence puts him in your car!然后我发现埃


685--So intimidate me all you want, I'm going to find out what you did to that otter 所以不管你要


686--if it's the last thing I do.就算是我这一生最后做的事情。

687--Hmm. Then I have only one request.嗯。然后,我只有一个要求。

688--Say hello to Grandmama.替我跟奶奶问好。

689--Ice 'em!冻住他们!

690--No, no, no. I didn't see nothing! I'm not saying nothing!不不不。我什么都没看到!我什么


691--And you never will.你永远不会的。

692--Please! No, no, no, no!拜托!不,不,不,不!

693--If you're mad at me about the rug, I've got more rugs!如果你在气毯子的事,我有更多的毯


694--Daddy! It's time for our dance!爹地!是跳舞的时间了!

695--Ah! What did we say? No icing anyone at my wedding!啊!咱们怎么说的?我的婚礼上不准


696--I have to, baby, daddy has to.我必须,宝贝,爹地必须要做。

697--- Ice 'em. - No, no, no!- 冻住他们。 - 不,不,不!

698--Wait, wait!等等,等等!

699--She's the bunny that saved my life yesterday! From that giant donut!她就是昨天从那颗差


700--- This bunny? - Yeah. Hi!- 这个兔子? - 是啊。嗨!

701--- Hi. I love your dress. - Oh. Thank you.- 嗨。我喜欢你的裙子。 - 哦。谢谢。

702--Put them down.放他们下来。

703--You've done me a great service. I will help you find the otter.你是我女儿的大恩人。我会帮


704--I will take your kindness, and pay it forward.我感谢你的付出,谢谢你。


706--Otterton is my florist. He's like a part of the family.奥特顿是我的园艺师。他就像我们家庭


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707--He had something important he wanted to discuss.我有一些重要的事想讨论。

708--That's why I sent that car to pick him up.这就是为什么我派车请他过来。

709--But he never arrived.但他压根没到。

710--Because he was attacked.因为他被袭击了。

711--No, he attacked.不,是他攻击了。



714--He went crazy. Ripped up the car.他忽然发狂了。撕开了车。

715--Scared my driver half to death. And disappeared into the night.吓得我的司机半死。并消失


716--But he's a sweet little otter.但他是一个温和的小水獭。

717--My child, we may be evolved, but deep down we are still animals.我的孩子,我们可能会演


718--You wanna find Otterton, talk to the driver of the car.你想找到奥特顿,可以去找开车的司


719--His name is Manchas. Lives in the Rainforest District.他的名字是蒙特斯。住在热带雨林区。

720--Only he can tell you more.只有他能告诉你更多。

721--Mr. Manchas?蒙特斯先生?

722--Judy Hopps, ZPD.朱迪哈波斯,动物乌托邦警方。

723--We just wanna know what happened to Emmitt Otterton.我只是想知道埃密特怎么了。

724--You should be asking what happened to me.你应该问我怎么了。

725--- Whoa. A teensy otter did that? - What happened?- 哇。那是奥特顿做的? - 发生了什


726--He was an animal.他是一个发狂的动物。

727--Down on all fours.四肢脚踩在地上。

728--He was a savage!他是一个野蛮的!

729--There was no warning. He just kept yelling about the Night Howlers.没有任何警告。他一直


730--Over and over, the Night Howlers!一遍又一遍的喊着夜嚎着!

731--So you know about the Night Howlers too?所以你知道夜嚎吗?

732--Good, good. Because the Night Howlers are exactly 好好。因为我们确实就是来这里

733--what we are here to talk about. Right?谈夜嚎的。对吧?

734--Yes, so you just open the door and tell us what you know,是的,所以你只要打开门,告诉


735--and we will tell you what we know.我们会告诉你,我们所知道的。



738--Clever fox.聪明的狐狸。

739--Mr. Manchas?蒙特斯先生?

740--Are you okay?你还好吗?

741--Run. Run!跑。快跑!!

742--- What is wrong with him?! - I don't know!- 他是怎么了? - 我不知道!


744--Come on!快走吧!

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745--Head down!低头!

746--Officer Hopps to dispatch!哈波斯警官呼叫调度中心!

747--Are you familiar with Gazelle? Greatest singer of our lifetime. Angel with horns.你知道志羚


748--Okay, hold on. Keep watching.好,等等,继续看下去。

749--Who's that beside her? Who is it?谁是她旁边的那个?是谁呀?

750--Wow, you are one hot dancer, Benjamin Clawhauser.哇,你真是个好舞者,洪金豹。

751--It's me! Did you think it was real? It looks so real!是我!你认为这是真的吗?它看起来如


752--It's not, it's just a new app.可惜不是,这只是一个新的 App。

753--- Hold on a second. - Clawhauser!- 稍等一下。 - 洪金豹!

754--Clawhauser, listen to me.洪金豹,听我说。

755--We have a 10-91! Jaguar gone savage!我们这边有 10-91!美洲虎变野蛮了!

756--- Vine and Tujunga! - It's Tu-hunga!- 在瑜林路! - 是雨林路!!

757--Okay, we're sending backup!好的,我们立刻派遣支援!

758--Look, over there! Head for the sky-trans!看,那边!上缆车!

759--Get in. Carrots? Carrots!上来,萝卜头?萝卜头?


761--Buddy, one predator to another.老兄,我们俩都是掠食者。

762--Now I can tell you're a little tense, so I'm just gonna give you a little personal space!你看起


763--Rabbit, whatever you do, do not let go!兔子,不管你做什么,千万不要松手!

764--- I'm gonna let go! - You're gonna to what?- 我要松手了! - 你要说什么?

765--One, two...一二...

766--Carrots, you saved my life.萝卜头,你救了我的命。

767--Well, that's what we do at the ZPD... Awww...好了,这就是我们身为警察... 呀...,

768--Well, this should be good.好了,这应该是不错的。

769--I thought this was just a missing mammal case, but it's way bigger.我以为这是一件动物失


770--Mr. Otterton did not just disappear.这位奥特顿先生不只是不见了。

771--I believe he and this jaguar, they...我相信他和美洲虎,他们...

772--They went savage, sir.他们变得野蛮的,先生。

773--Savage? This isn't the stone age, Hopps. Animals don't go savage.野蛮?这已经不是石器时


774--I thought so too.我也这样认为。

775--Till I saw this.直到我看到了这一点。


777--He was right here!他就在这里!

778--The savage jaguar?野蛮的美洲虎?

779--Sir, I know what I saw. He almost killed us!长官,我确定我看到了什么,他差点杀了我们!

780--Or maybe any agressive predator looks savage to rabbits?或者是任何掠食者对你而言看起


781--Let's go!我们走吧!

782--Wait! Sir!等等!长官!

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783--I'm not the only one who saw him.我不是唯一一个目击者。

784--You think I'm gonna believe a fox?你认为我会相信一个狐狸?

785--Well, he was a key witness, and I...嗯,他是一个关键的目击证人,我...

786--Two days to find the otter, or you quit.两天找到水獭,否则你就滚蛋。

787--That was the deal.这是当初的交易。


789--- But, sir, we had... - Badge!- 可是,长官,我们有... - 徽章!

790--Uh, no.哦,不。

791--- What did you say, fox? - Sorry, what I said was "no...".- 你说什么,狐狸? - 对不起,我


792--She will not be giving you that badge.她不会给你的徽章。

793--Look, you gave her a clown vest, and a three-wheeled joke-mobile,你看,你给了她一个小


794--and two days to solve a case you guys haven't cracked in two weeks?你看你们给了她两天


795--Yeah, it's no wonder she needed to get help from a fox.是的,也难怪她会找我这只狐狸帮


796--None of you guys were gonna help her, were you?你们都不是打算帮她,是吧?

797--Here's the thing, chief.这里的东西,长官。

798--You gave her the 48 hours, so technically we still have...你给了她 48 个小时,所以在技术


799--ten left to find our Mr. Otterton. And that's exactly what we're gonna do.10 个小时来找到奥


800--So if you'll excuse us, we have a very big lead to follow and a case to crack.所以,如果你不


801--Good day.祝你有美好的一天。

802--Officer Hopps.哈波斯警官。

803--Thank you.谢谢。

804--Never let them see that they get to you.永远别让他们发现他们伤到你了。


806--Things do get to you?你以前有遇过?

807--I mean not, not anymore.我的意思是不会,不会再有了。

808--But I was small and emotionally unbalanced like you once.我当时很小,跟你一样情绪化,


809--- Har har. - No, it's true.- 哈哈。 - 是真的。

810--I think I was 8, or maybe 9...那时大概 8 岁,也许 9 岁 ...

811--And all I wanted to do was join the Junior Ranger Scouts.而我想做的就是加入童子军。

812--So my mom scaped together enough money to buy me a brand new uniform.所以,我的妈


813--Because, by god, I was gonna fit in.而我穿起来合适极了。

814--Even if I was the only predator in the troop, the only fox.我是里面唯一的掠食者,唯一的一


815--I was gonna be part of a pack.我将会是他们的一。

816--- Ready for initiation? - Yeah. Pretty much born ready.- 你准备好入会仪式了吗? - 是啊。

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817--I was so proud.我很自豪。

818--Okay. Now raise your right paw, and deliver the oath.好的。现在举起你的右爪,然后宣读


819--I, Nicholas Wilde, promise to be brave, loyal, helpful and trustworthy.我,妮可拉丝 尾耳朵,


820--Even though you're a fox?即使你是狐狸?


822--No, no! What did I do wrong, you guys?不不!我做了什么错,你们?

823--No, please! What did I do wrong? What did I do?不,谢谢!我做错了什么?我做了什么?

824--If you thought we would ever trust a fox without a muzzle?你真的认为我们会相信一只没


825--You're even dumber than you look.你比你看上去还笨。

826--Is he gonna cry?你会伤心?

827--I learned two things that day.那一天我学会了两件事。


829--I was never gonna let anyone see that they got to me.我永远不会让别人发现他们伤到我


830--And two?第二个呢?

831--If the world's only gonna see a fox as shifty and untrustworthy...如果世界上唯一会看到狐


832--There's no point in trying to be anything else.尝试当其他东西根本没意义。

833--Nick, you are so much more than that.尼克,你远不只如此。

834--Boy, look at that traffic down there.男孩,你看看下面那混乱的交通。

835--How about we go up to Chuck in traffic central?我们到交通中心把镜头交给交通中心的查


836--Chuck, how are things looking on the jam cams?查克,目前交通摄影机拍起来车况如何呢?

837--Nick, I'm glad you told me.妮可,我很高兴你告诉我的。

838--The jam cams...交通摄影机...

839--- Seriously, it's okay. - No, no no!- 说真的,这没关系。 - 不,不不!

840--There are traffic cameras everywhere. All over the canopy!有交通摄像头无处不在。遍部都


841--- Whatever happened to that jaguar... - The traffic cameras would have caught it!- 那只美洲

虎怎么了... - 交通摄像头会抓住它!

842--- Bingo! - Ho-ho! Pretty sneaky, slick!- 没错! - 吼吼!你这家伙够聪明!

843--However, if you didn't have access to the system before,但是,如果你之前没能进入系统,

844--I doubt chief Buffalo Butt is gonna let you into it now.我怀疑蛮牛局长现在也不会让你用。

845--No. But I have a friend at City Hall who might.没错,但是我在市政厅有一个朋友。

846--Eh. Sir, if we could just review these very important billings.呃。先生,我们可以先审查这


847--Sir! Oh, I'm sorry. Sir.先生!哦,对不起。先生。

848--Okay! I heard you, Bellwether, just take care of it!好的!我听到你了,羊咩咩市长助理,你


849--Please. And clear my afternoon, I'm going out.拜托,然后把我下午的预约取消,我要出去

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850--Oh, no, no. But, sir, you do have a meeting with 哦,不,不。但是,先生,你有会要开和

851--Herds and Gradings. Sir, that's just, oh...兽群和等级。先生,这只是,哦...

852--Oh, mutton chops.哦,羊排。

853--Assistant Mayor Bellwether, we need your help.羊咩咩市长助理,我们需要你的帮助。


855--We just need to get into the traffic cam database.我们需要进入交通摄影机的数据库里。

856--- So fluffy! - Hey!- 好柔软喔! - 喂!

857--- Sheep never let me get this close! - You can't just touch a sheep's wool!- 羊永远不让我靠

这么近! - 你不能就这么碰人家的毛!

858--- It's like cotton candy. - Stop it!- 这就像棉花糖。 - 停下来!

859--Where to?去哪儿?

860--Ah... Rainforest Dsitrict. Vine and Tujunga.啊... 雨林区。雨林路。

861--There. Traffic cams for the whole city.那里。交通凸轮为整个城市。

862--This is so exiting actually. I mean, well, you know.这是所以实际上退出。我的意思是,嗯,


863--I never get to do anything this important.我从来没做过这么重要的事务。

864--But you're the assistant mayor of Zootopia.但你是动物乌托邦的市长助理。

865--Oh. I'm more of a glorified secretary.哦。我更像是个秘书。

866--I think Mayor Lionheart just wanted the sheep vote.我想市长只是想要绵羊的票。

867--But he did give me that nice mug.不过他给了我那个很棒的马克杯。

868--WORLD'S GREATEST ASSISTANT MAYOR (Written with marker) DAD (Crossed out)世界上最伟


869--Feels good to be appreciated.能被欣赏感觉很真好。


871--Ah. That's a fun little name he likes to use.啊。这是他喜欢用一个有趣的小名字。

872--I called him Lionfart once, he did not care for that.一次我给他狮子头打电话,他一点都不


873--Let me tell you, it was not a good day for me.让我告诉你,这对我来说不是美好的一天。

874--- Yes, sir. - I thought you were gonna cancel my afternoon.- 是的先生。 - 我以为你帮我取


875--Oh, dear. I better go. Let me know what you find.噢亲爱的。我还是走吧。让我知道你发现


876--It was really nice for me to be...这是非常好的,我是...

877--While we're young, Smellwether.虽然我们还年轻,羊毛头。

878--You think when she goes to sleep she counts herself?你觉得她睡觉时会数自己吗?

879--Shush. Okay, traffic cams..嘘。好了,交通摄影机..

880--Tujunga.... Tujunga....图洪加....图洪加....

881--We're in.我们进来了。


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