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注册护士英文简历registered nurse resume

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Dedicated registered nurse (RN) with specialty experience in psychiatric/mental health nursing. Developed strong psychiatric-evaluation and treatment-planning skills through recent internship at Pennsylvania Department of Corrections. Knowledge of psychotropic medication administration, management and training.

11/2003 - 5/2004 Pennsylvania Department of Corrections Doylestown, PA  Registered Nurse
 Served as RN at hospital located within maximum-security correctional facility housing approximately 3,500 inmates. Assigned to the mental health crisis unit and played a key role on interdisciplinary team of psychiatrists, RNs, social workers and corrections officers. Actively participated in development and implementation of individual treatment plans for patients with broad range of mental health issues. Ensured that doctors' orders were effectively carried out, including testing, medical procedures, consultations and stat orders for five-point restraint. 

Key Accomplishments:
* Selected as one of only seven student nurses to be admitted into internship program after rigorous selection process.
* Helped refine unit policies and procedures in the areas of suicide-watch procedures, safety methods, discharge planning and documentation.
* Responded to numerous volatile situations and violent outbreaks, earning the respect of physicians and coworkers for calm, levelheaded and quick thinking to restore the safety and security of patients and staff.
* Completed training in team building, management of assaultive behaviors and psychotropic-medication administration.
 9/2002 - 9/2003 Doylestown Hospital Doylestown, PA  Student Nurse / Clinical Rotations
 Worked under the supervision of an RN providing bedside care, treatment and clinical documentation for patients on cardiac, oncology and medical-surgical floors. Handled medication administration, dressing changes, IVs and all other aspects of nursing care. Facilitated admissions, discharges and transfers; prepared chart notes and other documentation; and participated on interdisciplinary team.

Key Accomplishments:
* Treated an average of 16 patients daily (100 percent above average student caseload). Gained experience in procedures such as cryotherapy and trigger-point injections.
* Presented in-service training on ethics concerning elderly atrial fibrillation treatment.

5/2004 Buckingham College of Nursing US-PA-Buckingham  Bachelor's Degree
 - Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)
* GPA: 3.4 (Dean's List)
* Senior Practicum: 150 hours, Psychiatric Unit, Yardley VA Hospital
Worked intensively with patients to promote their interest and participation in reality, identify problems and solutions, and enhance their coping skills. Provided a safe and therapeutic environment for psychiatric patients.

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