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最新牛津译林版 初一英语七年级上册7A Unit3单元全英文教案

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Unit3 Welcome to our school Comic Strips Welcome to the unit

Teaching aims. 1. language goals.

key vocabulary :best biology geography history meeting . 2. ability goals.

1) To train studentsˊ communicative skills.

2) To improve studentsˊ listening skill and spoken English. Teaching important points.

Learn the name of each subject. Teaching methods.

Communicative approach. Pair work.

Teaching tools: A tape recorder, Multi-media. Teaching procedures. Step1.Presentation

1. Introduce the subjects to the students.

2. Then introduce the new words ---which best biology Make a conversation with students like this: T : Picture One .What subject is this ? S1 : Music .

T: Picture Two.What subject do they have? S2: PE.

T: PictureThree:What subject does Millie have? S3: Maths.

T: Picture Four: What subject is this? S4: It is History.

T: Picture Five:What subject is this? S5: It is Art.

T: Picture Six:What subject does this teacher teach? S6: He teaches Chinese.

T: Picture Seven :Do you know this subject?What is it?S7: Yes,I do .It is Geography.

T: Picture Eight:What subject does this teacher teach? S8: She teaches English.

T:Picture Nine :What about this subject? S9: Biology. StepⅡPresent

T:Whatˊs the date today? S1: It is 9October.

T: Whatˊs the date tomorrow?

S2: Tomorrow is 10October. It is our Open Day.


history T: It is for parents to visit school. StepⅢPractise.

1, Please listen to the tape and answer the questions. 1) Whatˊs the date of the Open Day in Millieˊs school? 2) Can Millieˊs mother go to her school?

3) What time does the parentsˊmeeting begin? 4) What else do parents do after the meeting ? 5) Where does Millie meet her mother?

2:Divide the students into two groups and read the conversation twice. StepⅣHomework.

1: Remember the four skills vocabulary and expressions in the period. 2: Finish off related exercises after school. 教学后记


Teaching aims: 1. Language goals.

Key vocabulary: show front modern diary bright hall.

Key phrase : in a white shirt in front of first floor have meetings show sb around in the library Target language :

What is the building over there? Whoˊthat man in a white shirt? 2. Ability goals.

1) To train study skill of scanning .

2) To understand main information of the text. Task –based teaching Skimming and scanning Teaching tools

A tape recorder . Multi –media .Four picture. Teaching procedures. StepⅠRevision

Review the languages about subjects. Step ⅡListening .

1. Please listen to the tape and answer some questions. 1) How does Millieˊs school look? 2) How many classrooms are there? 3) Whoˊs that man in a white shirt? 2. Students answer the questions. StepⅢ Presentation

Show four pictures of different places at Millieˊs school.Help her write the


correct words under the picture. StepⅣPractice.

Read the information about Sunshine Middle School.Write a T if a sentence is true or an F it is false.

1. Sunshine Middle School looks beautiful. ----------- 2. Millie and her mum are behind the classroom building. ------------ 3. Millieˊs classroom is on the ground floor. -------------- 4. They have a new library. ------------- 5. They have meetings in the library. ------------- 6. They do not have a school hall. -------------- 7. Mr Wu is in a white shirt on the Open Day. -------------- 8. Mr Wu is Millieˊs Chinese teacher. -------------- StepⅤPractice.

1. Play the tape for students to listen and repeat,pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation,then complete Millieˊs diary. 2. Ask some students to retell the text. StepⅥ Homework 1. Review new words. 2. Introduce our school.

3. Recite the conversation on Page 32 after class. 教学后记


Teaching aims.

1. Language goals.

Key vocabulary wall pardon .phone let me see on the phone Target language .

1) Simon loves football. He is in the football team.

2) Do you know the teacher over there,Simon and Sandy? 2. Ability goals.

1) To grasp the usage of the Subject and Object forms of personal pronouns. 2) To use the personal pronouns to replace nouns.

3) Using the Simple Present Tense to talk about oneˊs activities. Teaching important points.

To make positive and negative statements with proper personal pronouns. Teaching methods.

Situation and Communicative approach. Teaching tools.

Multi- media A tape recorder. Teaching procedures.


Step ⅠRevision

Review key vocabulary learned last period and check for understanding of nouns and verbs.

Step ⅡPresentation

1. Lead in the new grammar items using situation approach.Make sure Ss

can understand well.

2. List the personal pronouns on the blackboard and encourage Ss explore

the usage of the two forms.

3. Get Ss to read out the sentences in PartA and understand the meaning of

each one.Then ask Ss to draw a line from the pronoun to the noun it refers to.

Step ⅢPractice

1. Ask Ss to complete their conversation with the correct personal pronouns . 2. Discuss answers and ask them why they choose a particular personal pronoun .Make sure that the whole class knows the correct answers.

3. Ask Ss to practice the conversation in PartB and then select a few pairs to do a class presentation.

4. Ask Ss to look at the sentences and ask them to complete the sentences on their own.Then check the answers with the whole class.

5. Ss read the article for general understanding only.Give a quick explanation of any words they do not know.Ask Ss to complete the task alone.Then read the article to the class.Try to deal with all the problems after reading in order to maintain the students’ interest. StepⅣDiscussion

List some useful vocabulary on the Bb and make Ss to probe into the usage of them.

Play with both/ all be good at StepⅤExtensive activity

1. Get Ss to give their reasons why the personal pronouns are used.

2. Ask students to underline all the personal pronouns in Reading parton Page36.

3. Look at Multi-media to do some consolidating work.Analyze together. Step ⅥWorkbook 1.Review new words.

2. Introduce personal pronouns(object form) 3.Recite the conversation on Page 35 after class. 教学后记

Integrated skills


1.Language goals.

Key vocabulary : take from---to--- get up go to school reading room all kinds of borrow---from--- only a.m. p.m. 2.Target language.

1)----How do you get to school? -----By bike./Take the bus.

2) It takes me about half an hour.

3) It takes her about twenty minutes to get to school. 4) It is open from 8a.m.to 5:30 p.m. 3. Ability goals.

1) To train students’ listening skills.

2) To improve students’ speaking and writing skills. Teaching difficult points.

To learn how to listening to the text. Teaching ,speaking and writing. Teaching tools.

A tape recorder and six pictures. Step Ⅰpresentation

Take about My school freely. T; 1. Do you like your school? 2.It is big or small?

3.What do you have in you school? 4.Do you have a building ?

5.How many floors does the building have? 6.Which floor is your classroom on? 7.Do you have a library? 8.It is open every day?

9.What can you do in the library?

10.Are there many books in you library? Students answer the questions. Step ⅡPractice

1.T:Amy’s cousin ,Shirley,wants to know more about Amy’s school.Please listen to their conversation and answer this question:What place are they talking about?

2.Ask the students to listen to the tape,then answer the questions.

3.Ask the students to listen to the tape again .Write a T if a sentence is true or an F if it is false.

1). The library in Amy’s school is big . _____ 2). It is open from 9 a.m. to 5p.m. _____

3). The reading room is only open in the afternoon. _____ 4). There are many books in the library. ______ 5). Amy often borrows CDsfrom the library.


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