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Yangtze University College of Arts and Sciences


题 目 名 称英语歌曲歌谣在小学英语课堂教学的应用 系 部外国语系 专 业 班 级 学 生 姓 名 指 导 教 师







The Application of English Songs in Primary School English Classroom


一. 题目来源 结合教学 二. 研究目的和意义






(2)对于学生而可以降低学习压力,提高学习效率。音乐是人类灵魂的语言,通过欣赏音乐可以避免反复操练的枯燥,消除学生在学习过程中出现的紧张、忧虑情绪,减轻学生的畏惧心理,从而降低学习英语的难度。在教学中教师可以把音乐歌曲用来操练某一语言项目,如语音、语法和词汇等,以进一步掌握和巩固所学的语言知识,还可以运用音乐歌曲对听、说、读、写等语言技能进行综合训练,以提高语一言的综合运用能力。例如,音乐歌曲在英语教学中的运用技巧有:课前欣赏—课前播放与课文背景相关的音乐片段,既能使学生把注意力集中到英语课上来,又令他们以饱满的状态投入到学习中。 三.阅读的主要参考文献及资料名称

A诸光,夏桃珍.英语歌曲教学[J].国外外语教学,2011 (4) .


C陈丽艳. 浅谈小学英语教学中的歌曲教学[J].中山大学学报论丛,2015 (3) D范雷英.小学英语教学中英语歌曲运用现状的几点质疑和思考[J].海外英语,2010 (8)


F E11is,R.1986. Understanding Second Language Acquisition[M],Oxford.


G Grenough,Millie. Sing It! Learning English Through Song. Random House[M].New York.1996.

H Fonseca Mora.Foreign Language Acquisition and Melody Singing[J].ELT Journa1,2000.

I Eken,D.k.Ideas for Using Pop Songs in the English Language Classroom[J].English Teaching Forum,1996.

J Griffee, D.Songs in action[J]. London: Prentice ha11.1992.







关于第二语言习得的研究。埃利斯将第二语言习得释义为“在自然的或有指导的情况下通过有意识学习或无意识吸收掌握母语以外的一门语言的过程”。而在第二语言习得研究中成就最大、影响最广的是美国语言学家克拉申。他对近二三十年来第二语言或外语学习研究进行了总结,并把各种研究成果加以理论化、系统化,使之成为自成体系的学说。在其输入假设理论中,强调理想的输入应具备以下几个特点:1)可理解性(comprehensibility); 2)既有趣又相关(interesting and relevant);3)非语法程序安排(not grammatically sequenced); 4)要有足够的输入量。而通过听英语歌曲学英语,正符合理想输入的四点要求。

关于歌曲在英语教学过程作用的研究。研究者普遍认为歌曲在英语教学过程中有着不可忽视的作用。Fonseca Mora曾指出:英语歌曲的音乐性能够影响学生的英语发音乃至整个英语的学习过程,故而需要在英语教学过程中推广使用英语歌曲这种“旋律方法”。Eken提出利用歌曲教学有以下几个优势:1)能够创造一个轻松的课堂氛围;2)能够激发学习者的积极情感和态度;3)能够鼓励学习者充分地利用他们的想象力和创造力;4)可以帮助呈现并练习一个话题、词汇及语言点等;5)能够使语言学习变得多样化并且有趣味性。

关于课堂英语教学中歌曲具体运用的研究。Dale T. Griffee和Tim Murphey分别写了研究论文,从不同的方面介绍歌曲在英语教育中应用的方法、要求和实际的注意点,这在当时英语界起到了一个引领作用。英语歌曲系列教材的出版。美国ESl专家Millie Grenough在1996年编写了一套从初级至高级的六册系列教材(配有盒带)并冠以Sing It Learning EnglishThrough Song的书名。这套有声系列教材的问世,不仅引起语言教学界的关注,而且立即受到ESL课堂的欢迎。




主要内容: 一、课题研究背景 (一)课题研究目的和意义 (二)研究现状

二、英语歌曲在小学英语课堂中的作用 (一)提高学生口语能力

(二)调动学生学习积极性,培养学生学习英语的兴趣 (三)英语歌曲促进小学生英语学习 三、英语歌曲在小学英语课堂中的应用方法 (一)采取灵活的呈现方式改编英语歌曲 (二)在边听边唱的韵律中,自然渗透语言知识 (三)以学生为主体,教师为主导的师生互动关系 四、英语歌曲在小学英语课堂中的应用的注意事项 (一)明确英语歌曲教学目的

(二)提升英语教师歌曲教学所需的音乐能力 五、结束语 参考文献 研究的关键问题:

1. 英语歌曲在小学英语课堂中的作用

2. 英语歌曲在小学英语课堂中的应用的注意事项 解决思路:





六.完成毕业设计所必须具备的工作条件(如工具书、计算机辅助设计、某类市场调研、实验设备和实验环境条件等)及解决的办法 1.所需工作条件:

(1) 相关的中英文献资料;

(2) 网络资源及计算机辅助设备; (3) 校内中英文图书期刊室;

(4) 中英文图书期刊室及数字图书馆。 2.解决方法:

(1) 在学校图书馆、阅览室查阅相关的大量文献资料;

(2) 充分利用网络资源及文献检索系统,查阅和下载丰富的论文资料; (3) 熟练使用计算机辅助设备。 七.工作的主要阶段、进度与时间安排



3.2016年10月上中旬完成开题报告,10月13日参加开题答辩会; 4.2016年11月10日之前完成论文第一稿; 5.2017年3月10日之前完成论文第二稿; 6.2017年5月2日之前完成论文第三稿;

7.2017年5月15日前论文定稿、装订并交由相关教师评阅; 8.2017年5月20日参加论文答辩。 八.指导教师审查意见

指导教师 签字 ________________




摘要 .................................................... 9 Abstract ............................................... 10 一、引言 ............................................... 10 二、英语歌曲在小学英语课堂中的作用 ...................... 12 (一)提高学生口语能力 ................................. 12 (二)调动学生学习积极性,培养学生学习英语的兴趣 ........ 13 (三)英语歌曲促进小学生英语学习 ........................ 14 三、英语歌曲在小学英语课堂中的应用方法 .................. 14 (一)采取灵活的呈现方式改编英语歌曲 .................... 14 (二)在边听边唱的韵律中,自然渗透语言知识 .............. 15 (三)以学生为主体,教师为主导的师生互动关系 ............ 16 四、英语歌曲在小学英语课堂中的应用的注意事项 ............ 17 (一)明确英语歌曲教学目的 ............................. 17 (二)提升英语教师歌曲教学所需的音乐能力 ................ 17 五、结束语 ............................. 错误!未定义书签。 参考文献 ............................................... 20




英语歌曲歌谣有着鲜活明快的节奏、跳动美妙的旋律,因而受到大众的喜爱。在英语歌曲歌谣中还包含了许多欧美英语国家的文化传统和风俗习惯,有着独特的文化魅力,因此在小学英语教学中,通过英语歌曲歌谣来对小学生进行英语教学的方式得到了广泛普及。这类教学方式可以拓展学生的知识面,提高学生对于学习的积极性,同时还能使学生英语口语得到锻炼。英语歌曲歌谣教学有着极为广泛的应用前景和巨大的教学潜力,是我国小学英语教学的不二之选。但同时在进行小学英语歌曲歌谣教学过程中也不免会遇到一些困难和问题,对于这类情况,则需要明确教师对英语歌曲歌谣的教学目的。通过合理使用英语歌曲歌谣,激发小学生在学习中的学习兴趣,同时提高学生的英语水平,教师应当合理利用英语歌曲歌谣的教育资源,将课堂中的英语歌曲歌谣教学融入到课程教育中,使学生得到全方位的英语训练,同时使学生敢于开口,帮助提升学生的综合英语水平,本文通过分析英语歌曲歌谣在小学课堂上的实际作用,提出了应用方法的几点建议,希望为以后的英语歌曲歌谣教育提供参考和帮助。 关键词:歌曲歌谣教学;小学英语



English song has a vivid and lively rhythm, beats, beautiful melody, so popular with the masses. In English song also contains a lot of Europe and the United States the cultural traditions and customs of English-speaking countries, has a unique cultural charm, therefore in the primary school English teaching, through the English song for primary school English teaching method has been widely popular. This kind of teaching method can expand students' knowledge, improve the enthusiasm of students for study at the same time also can make the students' oral English. English song teaching has a wide application prospect and huge potential of teaching, is the default choice of the primary school English teaching in China. But at the same time in the primary school English song teaching process also inevitably encounter some difficulties and problems, for this kind of situation, you need to clear the teaching purpose of teachers of English song. Through the rational use of English song, stimulate students interest in learning in learning, improve the students' English level at the same time, teacher should reasonable use English songs song of education resources, English songs from the classroom teaching into the course of education, make students get all-round English training, at the same time to make the students dare to speak, to help promote the students' integrated English level, this article through the analysis of English song in elementary school classroom practical effect, put forward some Suggestions on the application method, hope to provide a reference for future English song education and help.

Key words: songs and songs teaching; primary school English

一、The Introduction

In primary school education, English education is a major difficulty in primary school education. Language education is usually related to the boring grammar and word memory, this kind of teaching content is difficult to mention the interest of primary school students, resulting in low teaching efficiency. In the face of such difficulties, teachers need to abandon the traditional classroom teaching mode


according to the physiological characteristics and psychological characteristics of primary school students. In order to stimulate students' interest in learning, rational use of lesson activities, game class is more in line with the pupils like classroom education, by listening and speaking, reading and writing, playing and singing the diversified type of education, so that students have a greater enthusiasm for learning.

In the modern English class of primary school, the popularity of English songs and songs is very high. A lot of primary school English teachers have introduced this kind of teaching into English classroom teaching. But there is also a part of primary school English teacher of English songs teaching methods lack of awareness, think English songs teaching is to be adjusted in the course of teaching, to active classroom atmosphere found in students tired of courses, the teaching of English and English songs completely separated, it can not fully play English songs teaching advantages, to achieve the real purpose of education.

At the same time in the teaching and research development, current research on English songs teaching mode is in a relatively early stage, the English songs teaching understanding the depth and breadth are insufficient, the research contents are mostly individual teachers experience in practical summary, lack of scientific and systematic teaching mode of planning and data analysis. Facing the current situation, to put forward a complete education strategy, promoting the progress and reflection of primary school English teachers, to improve the understanding of English songs in teaching methods, from the strategy to extract the suitable mode of education, looking for guidance and advice on strategy, and fundamentally improve the teaching effectiveness of teachers, and the reasonable use of English songs the ballad of education, improve the students' interest in English learning and teaching to achieve the ultimate aim, make students learn English in a happy, form a good habit of learning, for students in the English learning career lay a good foundation.

Through the study of the American linguist Krashen's two language acquisition theory, English songs into the teaching of language input learning, Krashen stressed the ideal language input to have: comprehensible input, enough, non grammatical procedures, interesting and relevant four conditions, while the English classroom


teaching can satisfy four songs a condition, become the effective means of language input. At the same time in the Swain's proposed language output hypothesis, the input hypothesis of Krashen were added more perfect, Swain need to think in the study of learners were successful enough that triggers hypothesis attempt, we tried to modify the output mode and content, while the output information of themselves or others to reflect thus, promoting language learning, English songs teaching can well satisfy these conditions, manufacturing success suggests that for primary school students, to stimulate students interest in learning, the higher learning efficiency.

二、The role of English songs in primary school English class

(一)Improve students' speaking ability

Primary school students, whether it is the psychological or physiological are still in a relatively early stage of development, but also in the golden period of language learning, in order to lay a good foundation for the future of English learning. For primary school students' oral English teaching has always been a difficult point of education. Teachers can use English songs teaching to improve the situation, English as a language to convey information and express feelings, so is the English songs, and were included in the English intonation level in English songs can help students better understand the language transfer in English conversion and tone usage, song melody is to deepen language expression. At the same time, the English song selection, teachers can choose the English level is more in line with the student's songs, so that students can understand the meaning of the lyrics.

English songs plays an important role in cultivating English spoken language, English as a foreign language, which contains many bitter and difficult grammar rules, and such grammatical sentences in English song lyrics, the teacher teaching should be the purpose of regulating this kind of strong grammar, but without the need of students speak in a grammatical mistake too correct, with learning and using English songs, this kind of grammatical problems will gradually disappear, this kind of teaching


methods so that students have a strong sense of English language use in language, is conducive to the development of students' oral english.

In English songs accompanied by repetitive lyrics and more words, through the beautiful melody of the statement is repeated, students can easily learn in a short time a large number of English songs in the learning process, realize the input of English words, enough, easy to stimulate the enthusiasm of students, make students form healthy in the process of learning cycle.

(二)To mobilize the enthusiasm of the students to develop their interest in learning English

Through the form of a song song can lead to new language knowledge in learning English, also let the learned knowledge and strengthen the continuous review of songs to be in a relaxed environment to enable students to learn knowledge, songs and ballads can be vivid and interesting, listening and speaking, reading and writing comprehensive the English education system into learning, improve the students' English learning efficiency. At the same time, most of the songs are lively and interesting, so that students get happiness in their study. At the same time, English songs and ballads in the class or group of rap, students can get a sense of security, strong dare to open, after repeated and repeated training, even the most introverted students also dare to read English songs and English sentences alone, to enable students to obtain the sense of achievement in reading, English learning self-confidence.

At the same time, English songs and songs can help develop students' memory, and can train students' spoken English intonation, and help students to understand the meaning of language. At the same time English songs because of its artistic teaching mode is also more diversified, the game teaching methods to enable students to learn English in the show, at the same time to establish students' identity of class and the body's sense of the formation of a student's social way, improve students' social skills, but also improve the students' learning enthusiasm english.


(三)English songs to improve primary school students' English learning

English learning can be a more comprehensive English Teaching for primary school students through English songs and songs, and it can also promote students' English learning.

From the perspective of teaching, English songs play an important role in many aspects of English songs as the covers widely, contains more English knowledge and words, with Distinctive English habits, rich rhythm, English pronunciation exercises can help students better in singing, students in the process of singing experience of English on reading, light reading, rhythm, intonation and expression, to enable students to understand the expression of these speech patterns in the practical application of meaning. This teaching method not only has high interest, but also makes the students more easily understand the language.

From the point of view of education, teachers can make reasonable use of English songs and songs in English teaching. On the one hand, teachers can make use of English songs teaching links, carry out the management of classroom teaching activities, the transition of teaching process, classroom management can help teachers more efficient, pupils as curiosity heavier groups, things can easily be interested in infection, to participate in the teaching activities of teachers in. Teachers can also through the songs to attract the attention of students, at the same time, different subjects and different content of the songs and ballads of the text into the classroom, and students play their own creativity, classroom and songs organically, different teaching purposes.

三、The application of English songs in primary school English class

(一)Take a flexible approach to presenting English songs

When teaching in the use of English songs and ballads are hard to find in full compliance with the curriculum content of English songs, so we need teachers of


songs adapted a series of songs, make content more in line with the teaching content. Teachers can not only through their own adaptation of English songs, you can also launch a student to the lyrics in songs such as adaptation, two tigers, in the teaching of animal words, can guide the students to try to \pupils in the golden era of creative thinking development, through such songs adapted, can cultivate students' thinking ability, the limitation of lifting the thinking of the students, training students' thinking ability, only to learn the new words, also conducted a review of the past. To cultivate students' ability of this one, can enhance students' taste in music, which have a deeper cognition of English, also let students find English interesting. At the same time English is also a constant exploration and discovery of the subject, to cultivate students' ability to divergent thinking in the future study to help students overcome many difficulties in learning and life.

(二)Natural penetration of language knowledge in the rhythm of listening and singing

The study shows that the rhythm of music has a great impact on the students' listening ability, which influences the learning of foreign language pronunciation, that is to say, the rhythm of the music can affect the students' English learning ability. Show that in the theory of multiple intelligence, human intelligence has integrity, diversity, difference, by ensuring the all-round development of students, in teaching, teachers should develop students' multi intelligence efforts, to ensure the overall quality of students in the teaching process to enhance. The song itself has the melody and rhythm of English learning through English songs, music can improve students' intelligence, but also improve the students' sense of rhythm and rhythm, while the English language is more to imitate the form of language learning, can cultivate students' intelligence. In the process of English learning, the students' English learning ability is improved by enhancing the students' English learning ability.

In the process of learning English, not only need to input the students in English, but also need the students to carry out the language output, so as to ensure the efficiency of language learning. The students generally speaking ability is weak, lack of


self-confidence, dare not spoken English, and English through songs, you can make the students listen to the length of the rhythm, the knowledge of English natural penetration to the songs, at the same time can reduce students' stress, Jiao Lvcheng, to enable students to experience the feeling of success, to promote English learning.

(三)Take the student as the main body, the teacher is the leading teacher student interaction relationship

In modern classroom education, we should abandon the traditional teacher's single education mode, and carry out a wide range of English teaching mode. Modern teaching advocates to enhance communication between teachers and students in primary school, English teaching, by changing the traditional mode of education, mobilize the enthusiasm of the students, so that students have active consciousness of learning, to cultivate students' good learning habits, and in English teaching to cultivate students' creativity. Teachers in teaching English songs, to its full guide, while cultivating innovative ability and autonomous learning of the students, let the students through imagination and thinking to solve the problem at the same time, teachers should be for students' learning goal carries on the reasonable setting, so that students in dealing with the problem solving, the real knowledge independently. Through learning English songs and songs, build a platform for teachers and students to communicate and exchange. At the same time, English songs and ballads contains many English speaking or living habits, teachers can enhance students interest in learning English through classroom activities, enrich the teaching content, enrich the content of class students' feelings, so that students in the classroom learning experience with life better, so as to realize the charm of language. At the same time, teachers should according to their personality, ways of thinking, consider the students the ability to accept, setting the teaching goal and the teaching activities, the teaching goal should not be too abstruse and complex, and the teaching activities should not be too free, to make students in the teacher's control range, teachers can guide reasonable.


四、Note application of English songs in English Teaching in the primary school

(一)Clear English songs teaching objective

In the survey, most of the English teachers in the use of English songs teaching of primary school English teaching mode is the identity, also can find the important role of English songs in the classroom education played in the usual practice, English songs teaching can make classroom atmosphere relaxed, flexible, has a very good the role of students learning english. But at the same time, there is also a part of teachers of English songs teaching purpose is not clear, think English songs in the classroom only to active classroom atmosphere, there is no effective influence on the cultivation of students' English ability, the teachers do not have in-depth understanding and Research on English songs teaching in the classroom, the use can not fully play the effect of. Therefore, teachers in the use of English songs teaching, first of all to have a more profound understanding and Research on this kind of education method, but also the rational use of this kind of teaching method, guidance for students, in order to ensure the effectiveness of teaching English songs.

(二)To improve the English teachers of music teaching required musical ability


Although in English class are implemented English songs teaching that most teachers also play a certain effect, but did not fully play English songs teaching potential, not very good English songs into teaching each link, but not to the students encounter in understanding the difficulty of timely guidance, ignoring the students' English learning objectives, resulting in the phenomenon of care for this and lose that. Faced with this situation, teachers should improve their musical ability, strengthen the research and study of English songs teaching, make it better to use their means of classroom teaching, play a great potential in English songs teaching, the teaching effect is more significant, greatly improve the students' English learning ability. Although in modern primary school English textbooks in some English songs, but most of them are generally difficult, and primary school English teachers can not adapt, not well aware of this problem, the direct use of English songs to the teaching effect is not good, the students are not very good understanding of songs and ballads. At the same time in the textbook of most English songs melody is beautiful, not crisp rhythm, lead students have no interest in this kind of English songs, so teachers should be on some of the songs in the textbooks for adaptation or replacement, make songs more in line with the aesthetic concept of students, make better use of this kind of teaching method in practical teaching.

五. The application of English songs in primary school English class

(1) to clarify the purpose of teaching English songs

In the survey, most of the English teachers in the use of English songs teaching of primary school English teaching mode is the identity, also can find the important role of English songs in the classroom education played in the usual practice, English songs teaching can make classroom atmosphere relaxed, flexible, has a very good the role of students learning english. But at the same time, there is also a part of teachers


of English songs teaching purpose is not clear, think English songs in the classroom only to active classroom atmosphere, there is no effective influence on the cultivation of students' English ability, the teachers do not have in-depth understanding and Research on English songs teaching in the classroom, the use can not fully play the effect of. Therefore, teachers in the use of English songs teaching, first of all to have a more profound understanding and Research on this kind of education method, but also the rational use of this kind of teaching method, guidance for students, in order to ensure the effectiveness of teaching English songs.

(two) to enhance the musical ability of English teachers' songs

Although in English class are implemented English songs teaching that most teachers also play a certain effect, but did not fully play English songs teaching potential, not very good English songs into teaching each link, but not to the students encounter in understanding the difficulty of timely guidance, ignoring the students' English learning objectives, resulting in the phenomenon of care for this and lose that. Faced with this situation, teachers should improve their musical ability, strengthen the research and study of English songs teaching, make it better to use their means of classroom teaching, play a great potential in English songs teaching, the teaching effect is more significant, greatly improve the students' English learning ability. Although in modern primary school English textbooks in some English songs, but most of them are generally difficult, and primary school English teachers can not adapt, not well aware of this problem, the direct use of English songs to the teaching effect is not good, the students are not very good understanding of songs and ballads. At the same time in the textbook of most English songs melody is beautiful, not crisp rhythm, lead students have no interest in this kind of English songs, so teachers should be on some of the songs in the textbooks for adaptation or replacement, make songs more in line with the aesthetic concept of students, make better use of this kind of teaching method in practical teaching.


六, the end of the language

For most English teachers, English songs teaching methods can greatly promote the students learning English, but also is widely used in the classroom, to ensure students' English level overall, increasing the pupils' English words, make students oral English training. At the same time, this kind of teaching method is also very strict requirements for teachers, English teachers need to do a solid foundation to the student culture, but also through a variety of teaching activities to stimulate students' interest in learning English, cultivating students' good learning habits, for students of all subjects, to lay a solid foundation for learning. Teachers in the classroom should give full play to the role of English songs and songs teaching, active classroom atmosphere, the students review the past knowledge and learning new knowledge has a very good effect. In a word, English songs teaching as a new English teaching mode, with the primary physiological and psychological laws, make students more easily acceptable to English teaching, can effectively improve the efficiency of classroom teaching, so teachers need to this kind of education method for in-depth research, learning, and constantly improve the quality of classroom teaching, English songs the ballad of teaching as a means of teaching, for students to create a relaxed and pleasant learning classroom, make the classroom teaching more effective.


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