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四川省安岳县2016高考英语二轮复习 阅读理解练习(4)

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The week I turned 50, my marriage came to a sudden end. My house, furniture and

everything I’d owned was sold to pay debts that I didn\'t’ even know I had. In a week I had lost my husband, my home and my parents who had refused to accept a divorce in the family. I’d lost everything except my four teenage children. I used every penny I had to buy five plane tickets from Missouri to Hawaii. Everyone said I was crazy to think I could just go to an island and survive. I was afraid they were right.

Knowing that no one in the world was going to help us, I rented a cheap apartment.

I worked 18 hours a day and lost 30 pounds because I lived on one meal a day. One night as I walked alone on the beach, I saw the red orange glow of the lave (火山岩) pouring out of Kilarea Volcano in the distance. It was time to live my imagination!

The next day I quit my job and invested my last paycheck in art supplies and began

doing what I loved. I hadn’t painted a picture in 15 years. I wondered if I could still paint. My hands trembled the first time I picked up a brush. But before an hour had passed, I was lost in the colors spreading across the canvas in front of me. And as soon as I started believing in myself, other people started believing in me, too. The first painting sold for $1,500 before I even had time to frame it.

The past six years have been filled with adventures. My children and I have gone

swimming with dolphins, watched whales and hiked around the volcano. We wake up every morning with the ocean in front of us and the volcano behind us. The dream I had more than 40 years ago is now reality. I’m living freely and happily ever after. 1. It can be inferred from the passage that ______. A. the writer didn’t expect her marriage would end B. the writer’s parents were content with her divorce C. the writer’s husband took away most of her property D. there was something wrong with the writer’s job

答案解析:答案为A。本题为推理题。从第一段的第一句话 “The week I turned 50, my marriage came to a sudden end.” 可以推断,作者迈入50岁的那一周,婚姻突然解体,

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从第一段的 “My house, furniture and everything I’d owned was sold to pay debts that I didn\'t’ even know I had? I’d lost everything except my four teenage children.” 可以推断,作者失去了所有的财产,而不是大部分财产,故C选项错误。又从 “In a week I had lost my husband, my home and my parents who had refused to accept a divorce in the family.”可推断,她的父母拒绝接受她的离婚,故选项B错误。D选项未提及。

2. The writer went to Hawaii to ______.

A. free herself from trouble B. spend her holiday

C. earn a living for the family D. realize her childhood’s dream 答案解析:答案为C。本题为推理题。由第二段前两句话 “Knowing that no one in the world was going to help us, I rented a cheap apartment. I worked 18 hours a day and lost 30 pounds because I lived on one meal a day.”可知,作者带着四个孩子去夏威夷后,没人帮助,住廉价的公寓,一天工作18个小时,吃一顿饭,故可推断她去夏威夷为了谋生。

3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage ? A. The writer is a woman of great determination. B. The writer has been fond of painting.

C. The writer sold her first framed painting for 1,500 dollars. D. The writer likes a life full of adventures.

答案解析:答案为C。本题为推理题。结合全文,作者50岁的时候,婚姻瓦解,带着四个孩子到夏威夷,偶然的机会发现了生财之道,利用自己以前的爱好谋生,自力更生,奋斗不息,可推断她是位有决心的伟大女性,故A选项正确。由作者的经历和最后一段的倒数第二句话 “The dream I had more than 40 years ago is now reality.” 可知,作者一直喜欢绘画,故B选项正确。由最后一段首句 “The past six years have been filled with adventures.” 可推断,作者喜欢冒险生活,故选项D正确。

由第三段最后一句话 “The first painting sold for $1,500 before I even had time to frame it.” 可知,作者的第一幅画在抽空上框之前就卖了$1,500,选项C与文意不符。故答案为C。

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4. What would be the best title for this passage? A. My Broken Marriage B. A Hard Life in Hawaii C. Adventures over 6 Years D. My Life After Divorce



Home stay provides English language students with the opportunity to speak English outside the classroom and the experience of being part of a British home. What to Expect

The host will provide accommodation and meals. Rooms will be cleaned and bedcovers changed at least once a week. You will be given the house key and the host is there to offer help and advice as well as to take an interest in your physical and mental health.

Accommodation Zones

Home stays are located in London mainly in Zones2,3 and of the transport system. Most hosts do not live in the town centre as much of central London is commercial and not residential(居住的). Zones3 and 4often offer larger accommodation in a less crowned area. It is very convenient to travel in London by Underground. Meal Plans Available ? Continental Breakfast ? Breakfast and Dinner

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