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? Based on what you have learned from both Texts A and B, write an

essay (of about 150 words) about the moral condition of our society. Your essay may cover the following points:

a. Some cases in which mutual trust in our society is lacking. b. Consequences of the absence of mutual trust.

c. What we can do to improve the situation or to enhance mutual trust .

How to Enhance Mutual Trust in Our Society

As modern society advances, we are growing more suspicious of each other. This is clearly reflected in our reaction to advertisements. Instead of seeing advertisements as a source of reliable information, we tend to doubt the truth they claim and always assume that the producers are trying to trick customers into buying their products. One of the most serious consequences of such absence of mutual trust is the constant doubt and anxiety within our own minds. If we see everyone else as a potential enemy, we can no longer make new friends; if we regard all information passed on to us as lies, how can we make use of such sources effectively? Mutual trust is the glue that holds human society together.

As students, we should try to foster mutual trust and help build up a moral society by our own deeds. If we are honest to others and foster mutual trust, we shall soon see the difference.

In this part,write a short essay entitled \commenting on such sayings as \chance slip through you fingers!\

My Views on Popular Sayings


Write a short passage of (about 150 words) entitled \Player\ 1) What does a team player mean? 2) Why do we need team players?

3) How do we make ourselves team players?

My View of a Team Player

With the development of society,more and more people have come to realize.the

importance of teamwork .

A team player is someone who can work well with other people in a team. But it is not enough just to get along with others. A true team player must be more positive and constructive than just following the herd; he or she must also be able to play an active part in decision-making.Oursociety demands team players because by gathering all our various strengths together, we can accomplish more in a shorter time. It is because of teamwork that most businesses are able to function properly.

To become team players we must learn to compromise. When our views conflict with the general view of the team we must restrain our egos and listen to what others say. We should learn how to deal with criticism in a mature way; be honest and be aware of others' feelings.


? Write a short essay (of about 150 words) entitled \Facing

Adversity\ a. The adversity we may encounter in life b. General reactions of people to adversity c. Your own view on dealing with adversity

When Facing Adversity

Throughout our lifetime we may encounter many adversities . Whether

we are rich or poor, intelligent or slow, adversity seems the constant companion of many of us.

In the face of adversity there are typically two reactions: one is to feel

frightened and run away; the other, to face it with courage. But what happens next makes a big difference between the brave and the cowardly. Some people turn away from adversity without even an attempt to make things better; while others, though frightened emotionally or disadvantaged physically, manage to shake off the initial fear and take hold of their bootstraps to pull themselves out of the bad situations they are in.

We should choose the attitude of the latter because running away is not

going to solve the problem. In addition, this attitude may lead one to acquire the habit of always thinking negatively and thus limit one's growth and development.


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