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Unit 1

Language building-up

Task 1/Specialized vocabulary 1. 饲料经销商;饲料批发商 2. 为他自己的收益而工作 3. 技能与劳动力 4. 制造塑料 5. 私人交易 6. 包装并定价 7. 无形之手

1. priced 2. labor

3. transactions 4. gain

5. labor; manufactured 6. invisible hand 7. distributor

Task 2/Signpost language

1. Today, in millions of homes across the nation, God will be thanked for many gifts, for the feast on the table and the company of loved ones, for health and good fortune in the year gone by, for peace privilege of having been born, or having become — American(Line 2, Para.1).

2. And yet, isn't there something wondrous, — something almost inexplicable in the way your Thanksgiving weekend is made possible by the skill and labor of vast numbers of total strangers? (Line 1, Para. 4)

3. ...Thanksgiving Turkey, there would be one, — or more likely, a few dozen— waiting. (Line 3, Para.6)

Task 3/Formal English

1. very many 2. buying or selling 3. a large group of 4. more huge 5. understand 6. troubled

Unit 2

Language building Task 1: Part 1:

1)无形之手; 2) 自由企业制度 3)股东 4)经济体制

5)开发产品和服务 6)市场力量;市场调节作用

7)金融机构 8)严重衰退 9)破产 10)mission

11)stock price 12)corporate motto 13)assets 14)maximize profits 15)financial system Part 2:

1)market forces 2)financial institutions

3)free enterprise system 4)deep institutions 5)invisible hand 6)stockholder

7)profit maximization 8) economic system Task 2: 1.and; 2.Another; 3. also;

4. Not only; but; 5. other Task 3

1. understanding; 2. agree with;

3. forces? to be accepted; 4. bad

5. purpose 6. charitable ;

7. given; 8.famous.

Unit 3

Language building Task 1: collocation Part 1:

1) 充满敬畏与感激; 2) 与外部世界隔离 3)陷入绝境


5)恢复体能 6)界定性特征 7)暂时的挫败 8)不因挫败而心烦意乱 9)竞选权位 10)吹着欢快的曲调 Part 2:1)bout 2)validated 3)squabble 4)aptitude

5)platitude 6)debilitate 7)reassuring 8) undermine 9)ruminate 10)martial Task 2:

1.contrasting; 2.in contrast; 3. However; 4. different;

5. on the other hand 6. in the opposite way 7.however Task 3

1. full of;

2. becomes alert and energetic 3. keeping thinking about 4. been left in hopelessness 5. likely to suffer from 6. not disturbed

7. saying something that people are quite familiar with 8. officially approved

Unit 4

Language building Task 1: collocation Part 1:

1. green movement 2. protected areas

3. extinction of animals and plants 4. wild fish stocks 5. make clean power 6. save resources 7. 培育生物多样性 8. 控制污染

9. 阻止对生态体系的破坏 10. 扩大清洁产业 11. 集体世界观 12. 生态经济

Part 2:1. Embedding a narrative that moves us on from protecting nature from people to protecting nature for people is an essential part of this reframing. (Para.6)

If such a narrative is to gain practical effect, then looking after nature must urgently be seen as not only an environmental challenge, but also an economic one. (Para.7)

The author manages to bring in a new topic and maintain coherence by repeating keys words such as narrative, nature.

2. So long as we continue to travel in two directions at once, promoting environmental goals on the one hand while on the other directly contradicting that with measures to achieve more economic growth, the longer we will fail to make real progress. (Para.7)

When it comes to economics and ecology there is plenty of good thinking already done. (Para.8) The author manages to bring in a new topic and maintain coherence by repeating key words such as economic, economics.

Task 3 Formal language 1. unchangeable; increasing 2. control

3. effort; charitable 4. pleasant detail 5. complicated 6. change

7. Changing 8. important

Unit 5

Language building Task 1: collocation Part 1:

1. having a mind 2.behave as if you understand

3.what and how we know 4.inside;reflects

Mentalist D behaviorist B

Epistemologist A phenomenologist C Part 2

1. psychological 2.spiritual

3.behaviour 4.phenomenologist

5.perplexity 6.mentally

Task 2:

?,classified? This class of? The class of?

?a less severe label? The huge class

Task 3

1. what we imagine about computers today 2.we have broken the distinction between ???

3.for the sake of convenience so that it is easier to refer to the first type of response 4. you have the same reason for thinking that M had a mind.

5. (The reason you believe your mother has a mind is based) not on your prejudice 6. as groundless as believing that computers have mind

Unit 6

Task 1: Specialized vocabulary Part 1

1. 数学化,数字处理 2. 计算机辅助设计 3. 统计 4. 基因组学 5. 运筹学 6. 优化组合 7. 概率 8. 数据库 Part 2: 1. database 2. CAD 3. statistics 4. probability 5. optimization 6. genomics

7. mathematization 8. Operations research Task 2:

1. Here are a few simple examples of prescriptive mathematics that extended from single numbers to exceedingly complex systems:?(Line 1,para.8,Text A)

2. Admittedly this is rather vague, but it will clarify a bit as I go on and mention a few of the many


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