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科学技术是第一生产力 Science and technology is the primary productive force.

实施科教兴国战略 implement the strategy of rejuvenating China through science and technology 经济建设必须依靠科学技术,科学技术工作必须面向经济建设

Economic development must rely on science and technology, which in turn should be oriented to economic development.

高新技术 innovative and high technology 创 新 innovation 国家重点科研项目 research projects of national priority

“星火计划”(把先进、适用的技术引向农村的指导性科技计划,1986年经国务院批准) Spark Program

“火炬计划”(发展中国高新技术产业的指导性计划,于1988年8月经国务院批准) Torch Program


863 Program; High-Tech R & D Program Outline

《国家科学技术奖励条例》Regulation on National Science and Technology Awards 国家最高科学技术奖 National Top Science and Technology Award 国家自然科学奖 National Award for Natural Sciences

国家技术发明奖 National Award for Technological Invention

国家科学技术进步奖 National Award for Science and Technology Progress 中华人民共和国国际科学技术合作奖 The People’s Republic of China International Scientific and Technological Co-operation Award

省、部级科学技术奖励 Ministerial and Provincial-Level Science and Technology Awards 社会力量设立的科学技术奖 Non-State Funds for Science and Technology Awards 中国科学院 Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) 知识创新工程 Knowledge Innovation Project (KIP) 配合《211工程》 support the 211 Project

开发和推广起关键作用、有共性的高新技术 develop and disseminate high and innovative technologies that can play a crucial role and can be widely applied 优势科技力量 outstanding scientists, engineers and technicians

消化吸收与创新工作 application and modification of imported equipment and technology 加快高新技术产业化进程 step up commercialization of high and innovative technologies 国家创新体系建设 develop a national innovation system

改变研究机构与企业相分离, 研究、设计、教育与生产相脱节的状况

reverse the divorce between research institutes and industrial enterprises, between research, designing, education and commercial production

营造人才辈出,人尽其才的良好环境 foster a favorable climate for talented people to come to the for in large numbers

推进科技管理体制改革 promote reform of the management system for science and technology 发展多种形式的产学研结合 promote the integration of production, teaching and research in a variety of approaches

科学技术体制改革 the reform of science and technology management system 改革试点 pilot of reform

应用型科研机构 application-based research institutions 公益型科研机构 public service based research institutions 科技中介服务机构 science and technology service agents 工程中心 engineering centers 企业研发中心 corporate centers

研究与开发(应用型科研) R & D; research and development 科技人员 scientists and engineers

一支高水平的科研队伍 a contingent of top-notch researchers 具有科技攻坚能力 be capable of tackling key research topics 不甘落后 be not reconciled of being lagged behind

多学科交叉攻关 tackle the hard-nut topics in science through interdisciplinary efforts

量力而行,有选择地发展高技术develop high technologies on a selective basis with limited goals in accordance with our own capabilities

推广科研成果 promote the application of research findings 科研成果商品化 effect commercialization of research findings 学习、消化、吸收外国科学技术成就 learning, adaptation and assimilation of foreign scientific and technological achievements

在消化、吸收的基础上发展创新 improve and innovate on the basis of assimilating and absorbing the imported technologies

达到配套程度 make complete and systematic

技贸结合 integrate technology acquisition with trade 适用技术 appropriate technology

尖端技术 state-of-the-art technology; cutting-edge technology 技术复兴 technological renaissance

论 证 feasibility demonstration; peer review 改造传统产业 renovate conventional industries

提高经济效益 improve economic performance (宏观) increase economic returns(微观)

传统产业升级 traditional industry upgrading 提高科技含量 increase technology content 倾斜政策 preferential policy / policy in favor of

加强知识产权的保护和管理 tighten up management and protection of intellectual property rights (IPRs)

专有技术 know-hows 技术转让 technology transfer

专利产品 patented products (专利)使用费 patent royalties 商标专用权 right to exclusive use of trademark(s) 版权(著作权) copyright 版权税 royalties

《世界版权公约》 Universal Copyright Convention 侵权行为 infringing act

侵权产品 infringing products 猖獗的盗版行为 rampant piracy 擅自使用 unauthorized use of ...

依法严惩 be strictly punished according to law

重大侵权者的刑事判决 criminal convictions for major copyright infringers

办好国家高新技术产业开发区 ensure successful operation of national innovative and high technology industrial development zones


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