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【奥鹏】[大连理工大学]大工18秋《大学英语2(远程英语2)》在线测试1 试卷总分:100 得分:100

第1题,which sports do you ()? A、play B、do C、have

第2题,Did you()early this morning? A、get up B、got

C、getting up

第3题,Have you checked()at the hotel yet? A、in B、out C、up

第4题,Does the report give all the _______ facts of the case? A、significant B、silly C、silent D、single

第5题,I () roast leg of lamb, please. A、will like B、would like C、would

第6题,________ you met the Englishman? A、Where it was that B、Who it was that C、Where was it that


D、Where was that

第7题,I would love () to a football match. A、come B、coming C、to come

第8题,- _______________? - That's a good idea. A、When can you write the invitations B、What do you think of the invitations C、Why don't you write the invitations now D、Why not you write the invitations now

第9题,That was really a splendid evening. It's years _______ I enjoyed myself so much. A、when B、that C、before D、since

第10题,The Changjiang River is one of ______ in the world. A、the longest river B、longest rivers C、the longest rivers D、longer rivers

第11题,He came () the violin. A、across B、to C、on


第12题,I () to work by bus every day. A、go B、went C、goes

第13题,Not only _______ a promise, but he also kept it. A、did he made B、he made C、did he make D、he makes

第14题,If any beasts comes at you, I()stay with you and help you. A、am going to B、will C、can

第15题,Only when you realize the importance of foreign languages _______ them well. A、you can learn B、can you learn C、you learned D、did you learn

第16题,I like this film () the actors are very good and the plot is interesting. A、because B、although C、but

第17题,______ that this region was so rich in natural resources. A、Little he knew B、Little did he know C、Little he did know


D、Little he had known

第18题,Her answer is not acceptable, and ______. A、neither am I B、either is mine C、neither is mine D、mine is neither

第19题,There was no _____ for this belief. A、basic B、base C、basis D、bases

第20题,() the plot is weak, the action is really fantastic. A、But

B、Although C、Because

第21题,I play Kung Fu every Friday. A、错误 B、正确

第22题,You may come and talk to Lanny whenever you feel lonely. A、错误 B、正确

第23题,So carelessly did he drive that he almost killed himself. A、错误 B、正确


第24题,Mr Caruso, by contrast, looks to the past. A、错误 B、正确

第25题,It was hot yesterday,but it is very hotter today. A、错误 B、正确

第26题,The noise made it hard for me to focus in work. A、错误 B、正确

第27题,Today is too busy. Let's discuss it some times next week. A、错误 B、正确

第28题,The pace of modern society get increasingly fast, but it get even faster when mobile phone comes into play. A、错误 B、正确

第29题,- Did you use to smoked?- No, I didn't. A、错误 B、正确

第30题,We should view an issue from a historical perspective. A、错误




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