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The Yellow River and Chinese civilization 一、黄河――中国北方唯一横贯东西的大河

The yellow river___ the only river that runs across northern china from east to west


The yellow river originates from Baryan Har Shan in Qinghai province. It runs through 9 provinces and autonomous regions as Qinghai, Sichuan, Ningxia, Gansu, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, SHaanxi, Henan and Shandong, and empties into the Bohai Sea in Kenli County, Shandong Province. 黄河在中国的地理位置(图)

The yellow river’s geographic position in china

黄河源头――卡日曲(发源于巴颜喀拉山支脉各姿各雅山东麓)(图) The headstream of the yellow river ____Kariqu (originating from the eastside of Gezigeya Shan, one of the branch ranges of Baryan Har Shan)


The headstream of the yellow river——inscribed by former Chinese president, Jiang Zemin)

(二)黄河是中国北方唯一横贯东西的大河,干流长5464km(中国第二),流域面积79.5万km2 (占全国土地总面积的8.3%)

The yellow river is the only river that runs across northern China from east to west. It is the second longest river in China with a length of 5,464 kilometers, and it covers an area of 795,000 square kilometers (about 8.3% of the total area of China).


The upper, middle and lower reaches of the yellow river all have its own distinctive features)


The upper reach (from Hekou town in Inner Mongolia and above) is 3472km long. It consists of three parts: the riverhead part, the gorge part, and the plain part.


Most of the Riverhead part (from Longyang Gorge in Guide, Qinghai and above) runs across the surface of Qingzang Plateau. There are many lakes and swamps on both banks. The riverway is full of twists and turns, and the water is clear, fleet and steady.



From Longyang Gorge to Qingtong Gorge is the gorge part, where gorges alternate with mountains. There are about 20 gorges with torrential water. The fall between two river ends is huge and there is plentiful water resource.


The riverway cuts across the southeastward ranges of the Qilian Shan, thus forms a terrain where gorges alternating with mountains. There are about 20 gorges such as Longyang Gorge, Jishi Gorge, Liujia Gorge, and Qingtong Gorge. The water runs in torrents, and the total fall between river ends amounts to 1,300 meters, of which 1,084 meters is available for use. This part contains abundant water resource. The join of branches such as river Tao and river Huang adds to the quantity of water in the yellow river.


The plain part starts from Qingtong Gorge to Hekou town. It has stable and slow riverbed. On both sides are the famous Yinchuan Plain and Hetao Plain.


Out of the Qingtong Gorge, the riverway runs around the northwestern boundary of the Ordos Plateau, most of which is arid and semiarid area with no branch joining in.


The middle reach starts from Hekou town to Mengjin county, Henan province, with a length of 1,122 km. This part has huge fall between river ends, narrow riverway, and many branches, which makes a sharp increase of both water and mud and sand.


From Hekou town to Longmen(to the north of Hancheng, shanxi province), there is large fall and narrow riverway. The river runs from north to south across the gorges between Shanxi province and SHaanxi Province.



In this part the river has a length of only 718 km but the fall between river ends reaches 611 meters. The famous Hukou Waterfall has a fall of 17 meters. The Longmen riverbed is only 100 meters wide but has blustering and spectacular water. 壶口瀑布(图) Hukou Waterfall


From Longmen to Tongguan, important branches such as River Fen, River Jing, River Wei, and River Luo pour into the only 130 kms long reach, which makes the water increase suddenly and also brings large quantity of mud and sand. Thus the current is slow, the mud and sand fills up the riverbed and the riverway is unsteady.

泾渭不再分明(渭河是黄河最大的支流,泾河又是渭河的支流)(图) Jing and Wei are no longer clearly demarcated. (River Wei is the longest branch of the yellow river, and River Jing is a branch of River Wei.)


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