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初三英语作文:To Be a Teacher 0r a Businessman

来源:网络收集 时间:2024-05-02 下载这篇文档 手机版
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  More and more students have chosen to enter the commercial field instead of the teaching field after graduating from colleges in recent years. It has become a trend. The graduates would rather be businessmen than teachers when they hunt for jobs. Why?

  Firstly, as we all know, business is a very challenging field with risks and competition while teaching is a stable profession with little risks. It is reasonable that you can get higher payment in the business field than in the teaching field. So many students tend to apply for a job with high payment in a short time after graduation.

  Secondly, compared with teaching in school, doing business means a process of starting a career, so it is more exciting and challenging. Some of the graduates think teaching I is very dull and boring. They would rather to take risks tbr their ideal. They want to challenge themselves and lead a dynamic life. What is more, they can earn a great amount of money and enjoy achievements of their own career. On the contrary, teaching life is more calm and regular.

  In a sentence, teaching is stable but with less payment, qb be a busincssman means higher payment or rapid promotion but more risks. Which one will you choose? It depends on yourself.

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