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SAS base 70题(无答案版,适合练习)

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SAS Base认证考试—70题 Q 1

1. The following SAS program is submitted: data WORK.TOTAL;

set WORK.SALARY; by Department Gender;

if First.<_insert_code_> then Payroll=0; Payroll+Wagerate; if Last.<_insert_code_>; run;

The SAS data set WORK.SALARY is currently ordered by Gender within Department. Which inserted code will accumulate subtotals for each Gender within Department? A. Gender B. Department C. Gender Department D. Department Gender Q 2

Given the following raw data records in TEXTFILE.TXT: ----|----10---|----20---|----30 John,FEB,13,25,14,27,Final John,MAR,26,17,29,11,23,Current Tina,FEB,15,18,12,13,Final Tina,MAR,29,14,19,27,20,Current The following output is desired:

Obs Name Month Status Week1 Week2 Week3 Week4 Week5 1 John FEB Final $13 $25 $14 $27 .


2 John MAR Current $26 $17 $29 $11 $23 3 Tina FEB Final $15 $18 $12 $13 . 4 Tina MAR Current $29 $14 $19 $27 $20 Which SAS program correctly produces the desired output? A. data WORK.NUMBERS;

length Name $ 4 Month $ 3 Status $ 7; infile 'TEXTFILE.TXT' dsd; input Name $ Month $;

if Month='FEB' then input Week1 Week2 Week3 Week4 Status $;

else if Month='MAR' then input Week1 Week2 Week3 Week4 Week5 Status $; format Week1-Week5 dollar6.; run;

proc print data=WORK.NUMBERS; run;


length Name $ 4 Month $ 3 Status $ 7; infile 'TEXTFILE.TXT' dlm=',' missover; input Name $ Month $;

if Month='FEB' then input Week1 Week2 Week3 Week4 Status $;

else if Month='MAR' then input Week1 Week2 Week3 Week4 Week5 Status $; format Week1-Week5 dollar6.; run;

proc print data=WORK.NUMBERS; run;


length Name $ 4 Month $ 3 Status $ 7;


infile 'TEXTFILE.TXT' dlm=','; input Name $ Month $ @;

if Month='FEB' then input Week1 Week2 Week3 Week4 Status $;

else if Month='MAR' then input Week1 Week2 Week3 Week4 Week5 Status $; format Week1-Week5 dollar6.; run;

proc print data=WORK.NUMBERS; run;


length Name $ 4 Month $ 3 Status $ 7; infile 'TEXTFILE.TXT' dsd @; input Name $ Month $;

if Month='FEB' then input Week1 Week2 Week3 Week4 Status $;

else if Month='MAR' then input Week1 Week2 Week3 Week4 Week5 Status $; format Week1-Week5 dollar6.; run;

proc print data=WORK.NUMBERS; run; Q 3

The following SAS program is submitted: data WORK.DATE_INFO; Day=\ Yr=1960 ; X=mdy(Day,01,Yr) ; run;


What is the value of the variable X? A. the numeric value 0

B. the character value \C. a missing value due to syntax errors

D. the step will not compile because of the character argument in the mdy function. Q 4

The Excel workbook REGIONS.XLS contains the following four worksheets: EAST WEST NORTH SOUTH

The following program is submitted: libname MYXLS 'regions.xls';

Which PROC PRINT step correctly displays the NORTH worksheet? A. proc print data=MYXLS.NORTH;run; B. proc print data=MYXLS.NORTH$;run; C. proc print data=MYXLS.'NORTH'e;run; D. proc print data=MYXLS.'NORTH$'n;run; Q 5

Which statement specifies that records 1 through 10 are to be read from the raw data file customer.txt?

A. infile 'customer.txt' 1-10; B. input 'customer.txt' stop@10; C. infile 'customer.txt' obs=10;


D. input 'customer.txt' stop=10; Q 6

After a SAS program is submitted, the following is written to the SAS log: 101 data WORK.JANUARY;

102 set WORK.ALLYEAR(keep=product month num_Sold Cost); 103 if Month='Jan' then output WORK.JANUARY; 104 Sales=Cost * Num_Sold; 105 keep=Product Sales; ----- 22

ERROR 22-322: Syntax error, expecting one of the following: !, !!, &, *, **, +, -, , <=, <>, =, >, >=,

AND, EQ, GE, GT, IN, LE, LT, MAX, MIN, NE, NG, NL, NOTIN, OR, ^=, |, ||, ~=. 106 run;

What changes should be made to the KEEP statement to correct the errors in the LOG? A. keep=(Product Sales); B. keep Product, Sales; C. keep=Product, Sales; D. keep Product Sales; Q 7

Which of the following choices is an unacceptable ODSdestination for producing output that can be viewed in Microsoft Excel? A. MSOFFICE2K


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