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来源:网络收集 时间:2024-05-03 下载这篇文档 手机版
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    What else can I do?

    The terrible disaster caused more then 40075 inhabitants deaths and countless injured up to18:00 May 20th. The 8-day search-and- rescue efforts have put more strain on people's nerves. Many Chinese spent the agonizing week following news on TV, on net, or glancing over newspapers and on public transport during rush hours. Even strangers exchanged information on the updated death toll and the latest outcome of rescue missions; cheered for every survival narrowly escaping hell; mourned each new death; and prayed for the strong lives still trapped in the debris. But hope is dimming as time is running out. So many people lost their lives in a flash, so many happy family become destitute and homeless far and near, so many buildings collapsed without any hesitate, the earth cracked, and even worse, it rained while others try to rescue them…I can not image how sad a child will be that she or he turn out to be orphan after this earthquake.Or the old lost all her offspring in this earthquake.People begin to wonder what they can do to help those who are still suffering.

    What else can I do? has been the question on everyone's mind since the deadly quake hit Sichuan Province.

    After all, only a few warm-hearted volunteers could access the front lines of combating disaster considering the complicated conditions and fear of potential calamity. People can be seen everywhere lining up to make donations. In many cities, blood banks have been reported up to saturation; and volunteers wishing to donate blood have to register and wait for to be notified. More and more people are eager to be involved in the rescue and relief work that they are becoming unsatisfied with the disaster-relief efforts made outside of the quake-ravaged areas; and volunteers are descending upon the worst-hit areas in growing numbers.

    It is pity that there are a lot of disasters in this Olympic year. This year, we, Chinese people, really have suffered a lot. however, we have not been defeated, instead, we've become more united and show great resolution to overcome all kinds of challenges to make our country more thriving and prosperous.

    When people shout slogans Cheer up, China!, Cheer up, Wenchuan! after a three-minute silent tribute to quake victims, at the Tian'anmen Square in central Beijing,I know that the nightmare of the 8 days gone by will fade from the collective Chinese mind with time;and I could see the Chinese longings to rebuild a better future with dauntless perseverance and national esprit de corps !


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