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第一部分:性格测试(此题问答时间10分钟) 请回答以下问题

如果答案是非常同意,请给自己打5分;如果是比较同意,则打4分;如果是差不多,打3分;如果是只有一点同意,请打2分;如果答案是不同意,就打1分。提醒你注意一点,在回答时不是依靠别人眼中的你来判断,而是你认为自己本质上是不是这样的: ()1.你做事时一个值得信赖的人吗?

非常同意 比较同意 差不多 一点同意 不同意 ()2.你个性温和吗?

非常同意 比较同意 差不多 一点同意 不同意 ()3. 你有活力吗?

非常同意 比较同意 ()4.你善解人意吗?

非常同意 比较同意 ()5.你独立吗?

非常同意 比较同意 ()6.你受人爱戴吗?

非常同意 比较同意 ()7.做事认真且正直吗?

非常同意 比较同意 ()8.你富有同情心吗?

非常同意 比较同意 ()9.你有说服力吗?

非常同意 比较同意 ()10.你大胆吗?

非常同意 比较同意 ()11.你精确吗?

非常同意 比较同意 ()12.你适应能力强吗?

非常同意 比较同意 ()13.你组织能力好吗?

非常同意 比较同意 ()14.你是否积极主动?

非常同意 比较同意 ()15.你害羞吗?

非常同意 比较同意 ()16.你强势吗?

非常同意 比较同意 ()17.你镇定吗?

非常同意 比较同意 ()18.你勇于学习吗?

非常同意 比较同意 ()19.你反应快吗?

非常同意 比较同意 ()20.你外向吗?

差不多 一点同意 差不多 一点同意 差不多 一点同意 差不多 一点同意 差不多 一点同意 差不多 一点同意 差不多 一点同意 差不多 一点同意 差不多 一点同意 差不多 一点同意 差不多 一点同意 差不多 一点同意 差不多 一点同意 差不多 一点同意 差不多 一点同意 差不多 一点同意 差不多 一点同意 不同意 不同意 不同意 不同意 不同意 不同意 不同意 不同意 不同意 不同意 不同意 不同意 不同意 不同意 不同意 不同意 不同意 非常同意 比较同意 差不多 一点同意 不同意 ()21.你注意细节吗?

非常同意 比较同意 差不多 一点同意 不同意 ()22.你爱说话吗?

非常同意 比较同意 差不多 一点同意 不同意 ()23.你的协调能力好吗?

非常同意 比较同意 差不多 一点同意 不同意 ()24.你勤劳吗?

非常同意 比较同意 差不多 一点同意 不同意 ()25.你慷慨吗?

非常同意 比较同意 差不多 一点同意 不同意 ()26.你小心翼翼吗?

非常同意 比较同意 差不多 一点同意 不同意 ()27.你令人愉快吗?

非常同意 比较同意 差不多 一点同意 不同意 ()28.你传统吗?

非常同意 比较同意 差不多 一点同意 不同意 ()29.你亲切吗?

非常同意 比较同意 差不多 一点同意 不同意 ()30.你工作足够有效率吗?

非常同意 比较同意 差不多 一点同意 不同意 好啦,现在把第5、10、14、18、24、30题的分加起来:() 把第3、6、13、20、22、29题的分加起来:() 把第2、8、15、17、25、28题的分加起来:() 把第1、7、11、16、21、26题的分加起来( ) 把第4、9、12、19、23、27题的分加起来( )


1、 请将以下每一横排的数字个位数相加,并将结果写在后面的括号内。

23 36 46 52 84 55 101 99 57 77 10 69 47 23 64 85 92 625 73 20 36 58 47 95 13 58 94 2 65 80 35 3 64 59 68 75 32 30 58 69 93 57 41 25 59 33 88 10 7 6 38 16 9 34 67 91 62 58 25 37 91 94 76 61 43 28 17 39 53 26 84 9 75 71 99 0 57 16 81 234 16 81 35 48 5

2、 下列数字按一定逻辑关系排列,请填空。 0, 5, 8, 17, 24( ) 1, 7,34, 30( ) 2, 12, 36, 80 ( ) 0,8,54,192,500 ( ) 3, 7,10,17,27 ( )

45 (21 (21 (55 (46 ( ) ) ) ) )

Part|||:There are 10 multiple-choice questions in this section. Please choose the best answer to each question.

( ) 1. The files could not be ____ because the computer was down.

A. open B. called C. accessed D. determined

( ) 2. A credit line for the client was ____ by a loan officer.

A. resign B. helped C. devise D. approved

( ) 3. Five company officials were forced to ____ because of their involvement in

questionable stock transactions. A. resign B. relent C. devise D. subject

( ) 4.Participants were allowed to choose from among ____ approaches to the


A. differs B. various C. another D. alternatives

( ) 5. Companies require discipline to ____ themselves in times of increasing competition.

A. sustain B. punish C. demand D. keep up

( ) 6. A good manager cannot afford to be ____

A. managing B. expensive C. character D. indecisive

( ) 7. For tax purposes , rental properties are ____ a percentage of their values every year.

A. deported B. depressed C.deposited D. depreciated

( ) 8. You must let me have the annual report without ____ by ten o’clock tomorrow morning.

A. failure B. hesitation C. trouble D. fail

( ) 9. The plan is not practical and is ____ to failure.

A. due B. expected C. doomed D.certain

( ) 10. The company is famous for its tobacco of ____ quality. A, prime B. primary C. principal

PartIV: in this section there are one passage followed by 4 multiple-choice questions. Please choose the best answer to each question.

Perfect competition exists in an industry that contains many relatively small firms producing … products. The most important characteristic of a perfectly competitive industry if that no single firm has any … over prices. This important characteristic follows from two assumptions. First, a competitive industry is composed of many firms, each being very … relative to the size of the industry. Second, every firm in a perfectly competitive industry produces exactly the same product.

Firms in perfectly competitive industries do not differentiate their products, not do they make decisions about price. Rather, each firm takes prices as given-that is, as determined in the market by the laws of supply and demand and decides only how much to produce and how to produce it. Given the availability(可得性) of perfect …, any product priced over the market price will not be sold.

In perfect competition we also assume that firms can freely enter and exit the industry. The assumption of free entry and implies that if firms in an industry are earning excessively high profits, new firms that seek to do the same thing are likely to spring up. Fast food restaurants are quick to spring up when a new shopping center opens. Where profit opportunities prevent themselves, we assume that firms still enter and compete for them.

Free exit is possible when firms can simply stop producing their products and leave a market. Generally speaking, a firm closes down because it is suffering losses or because profits are insufficient. New England textile and furniture products found themselves facing increasing foreign competition, as well as lower production costs in the South. while some firms … up and moved, others simply go out of the business altogether.

( ) 11. In a perfectly competitive industry, the price is decided by A. some leading firms in this industry B. the rules of supply and demand C. an association of the business D. the central government

( ) 12. If a firm sells its products at a price higher than that of the market, consumers will

A. buy goods of the same kind produced by other companies. B. stop buying this type of products altogether. C. use another type of goods as substitutes.

D. continue to buy its products because of their good quality.

( ) 13. In the third paragraph, the author mentions “fast food restaurants” to show

A. the rapid emergence of new industries in down town areas. B. the prosperity of service industries in backward countries. C. people’s enthusiasm for shopping.

D. businessmen’s interest in high-profit industries.

( ) 14. What is the most important reason for a company to quit a business?

A. Some other firms are making more money. B. There is too much competition in this industry. C. It is not making adequate profit.

D. Foreign products have got control of the market.

PartV: Writing Test

Test 1: Recently, some colleagues in your team frequently use “reply to all” function while replying emails, or copy unnecessary mailer groups. Please draft an email to remind the team not using these functions casually.

Test 2: You received a letter from your client that her delivery was delayed. Please write a memo to the relevant department or individual of your company, to ask them to help you check out the reason.


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