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冀教版小学英语第一册Lesson 22 Look at Your Eyes! 教学设计

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冀教版小学英语第一册Lesson 22 Look at Your Eyes! 教学设


中图分类号:G623.31 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1009-010X(2010)09-0063-02


本单元重点介绍一些描述人的感情、感觉和外貌的单词和用语。本课在上一课的基础上继续学习描述与人的外貌有关的词汇和句型,内容贴近学生的生活。另外还有一首优美的歌曲:“There was a girl.” 学习对象分析:

学习对象为三年级学生,对英语学习还有着强烈的兴趣,喜欢唱歌和做游戏。针对学生的这些特点教学方法应活泼多样,引导学生积极参与到课堂活动中去。 教学目标:

1.要求学生能够熟练使用以下句型进行问答: What colour are your/his/her eyes? My/His/Her eyes are ______. 2.能够听懂、说出并理解以下单词:

handsome beautiful pretty。 教学分析:

1.重点:能够熟练使用句型进行问答: What colour are your/his/her eyes? My/His/Her eyes are ______. 2.难点:使学生了解两种句型的区别: What colour is your/his/her hair? What colour are your/his/her eyes? 3.歌曲的理解和演唱。 教学准备:

教学光盘、单词卡片、录音带等。 板书设计:

Lesson22: Look at Your Eyes! What colour are your eyes? T1 My eyes are black.T2

He is handsome. She is beautiful. She is pretty.


一、Class Opening and Review Step 1. Greeting.

T: Good morning, class! How are you? Step2. Chant “Colour Point”

T: Do you feel happy? What colour is it? (Point to the colour cards) Let’s chant, “colour point”, ok? (Three times, more quickly.)

Step3. Game: Listen and Draw. (With body cards: yellow eyes etc.)

T: Would you like to play games? Let’s play a game, listen and draw. I’ll divide you into two teams. From here T1 and T2, I need two volunteers come to the front to draw and others say the orders. And I’ll find two markers. 设计意图:

用chant 和game 的形式复习与本节课有关的关于颜色和身体部位的单词。学生的兴趣高,分组竞赛的形式使学生精力高度集中,为下一步新授做好铺垫。 二、Key Concepts

No. 1: What colour are your eyes?

Step 1. Introduces (Point the pictures on blackboard) T: What colour is his\\her hair? T: What colour are his\\her eyes?

T: What colour are your eyes?

(Write this question on blackboard. Read it 3-4 times.) T: Now, you can ask me this question. 设计意图:

用已会的句型What colour is your hair? 引出新授What colour are your eyes?过渡自然。引导学生自己发现句中is和are的区别,培养学生自主学习的能力。 Step 2. Drill (With Multimedia)

T: Look, is this a boy or a girl? He comes from Africa\\ Australia\\ Canada. You can ask him\\her this question. S: What colour are your eyes? Picture1: Guess! S: Black.

T: My eyes are black.(Write it in blackboard.) (Talk about three pictures like this.) 设计意图:


Step 3: More Drill.

T: What colour are your eyes? (Ask 3-4 students) T: Now you can ask one by one.

设计意图:用one by one 的形式使新句型掌握扎实。给

每位学生表达的机会。 Step 4: Guess the riddles.

T: Do you like riddles? Listen carefully.

First, guess an animal. I have long ears and red eyes. What am I ? S: Rabbit.

T: Next, my eyes are green. And I’m very fierce. I look like a dog. S: Wolf.

T: Last, I have yellow eyes, I like to eat mouse. S: Cat.

(Give the students the animals that answer correctly.) 设计意图:


Step 5: Practice in groups. (Use animal pictures)

T: Let’s practice these sentences in groups of 4. Now I’ll give every group one animal pictures. You can talk about their colours. (Give them 2-3 minutes.) 设计意图:


Step 6: Ask and Answer.

T: Who wants to be the animals? Come here please! You can ask them questions. For example, rabbit, what colour are your eyes\\ears\\arms\\feet?

S1: What colour are your eyes\\ears\\arms\\feet? S2: My eyes\\ears\\arms\\feet are________.… No. 2:What do they look like? Step7: Introduce.

T: Look! This is a man. Your father is a man, too. T: This is a handsome man. He is handsome. T: Try to make a sentence. S: ______ is handsome.

T: This is a woman. I am a woman. Your mother is a woman .

T: Look! She is a beautiful woman. She is beautiful. S: ________ is beautiful.

T: This is a girl. She is pretty. (指班上一女生) She is pretty. Pretty girl. 设计意图:


No. 3: Let’s sing a song. “There was a girl”

T: Look at the pictures. What can you see in these pictures? Can you name in English?

T: Very good! The girl is on the tree, the tree is in the ground, and there is green grass. (领读tree, ground, green grass)

T: Let’s enjoy the song together. 设计意图:

本课的歌曲比较难,在此降低了学习难度,只作为欣赏。 三、Class Closing

T: In this lesson, we have learned these sentences. Today, you did a good job. Thank you very much. Bye-bye! 教学反思:

本节课很好地完成了预定的教学目标,学生学习效果较好。课上采用了说唱、竞赛、猜谜语、表演的形式进行教学,充分激发学生的参与热情,课堂学习气氛很好。在练习环节中主要采用了小组合作学习方式,有效培养了学生的合作能力和意识。本课的教学难点之一是两组句型中be动词的用法,教学采用了让学生观察、对比的方式,使学生自己发现句子中is 和are的不同之处,并在操练中着重练习。如:上述第二部分中的No.1“T: What colour is his\\her hair? T: What colour are his\\her eyes? T: What colour are your eyes?”用已学的句型

What colour is your hair?引出新授What colour are your eyes?引导学生发现句中is和are的区别,培养学生自主学习的能力。这样做可以逐步培养学生发现问题、解决问题的能力。 本课还有需改进之处:在教学“handsome”、“beautiful”和“pretty”时方法有些单一,如果课前让孩子们准备一些家庭成员或喜爱的明星的照片带过来,上课时可以利用照片讲解和操练,这样学生的兴致会更高一些,学习效果也会更好。 【责任编辑 闫会学】

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