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新课标PEP小学英语五年级下册《Unit 4 What are you doing》精品

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新课标PEP小学英语五年级下册《Unit 4 What are you doing?》


PartB Read and write,Group work 一、教学目标: 1.知识目标:

能够认读Read and write部分的内容,并掌握四会句子Grandpa is writing a letter.Brother is doing homework.Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen.He's writing an e-mail in the study. 2.能力目标:

(1)能够运用句式Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen.介绍家人正在干什么。

(2)能够运用所学语言完成接听电话的任务。 3.情感目标:

培养学生礼貌接听电话的用语。 二、教学重点:

正确认读和书写句子:Grandpa is writing a letter.Brother is doing homework.Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen.He's writing an e-mail in the study. 三、教学难点:

正确理解和运用句子:How's everyboby doing?\和\四、教学步骤: Step1:Preparation

(1)Let's sing.\

(通过齐唱课本54页的英语歌曲,激发学生学习热情,活跃课堂气氛。) (2)Let'chant.

Grandma is cooking, cooking noodles. Sister is listening, listening to music. Mom is writing, writing an e-mail. Dad is reading, reading the newspaper.

(用朗朗上口的chant既复习了与本课有关的语言点,又提高了学生学习英语的兴趣、活跃课堂气氛,为本课话题作铺垫。) (3)Free talk

What is dad/mom doing?

He/She is…

(上接Let'chant的图片,通过教师与学生看图示范对话,然后小组活动,继而检查对话的Free talk复习与本课有关的语言,为学生下一步的阅读排除障碍,降低阅读难度。) Step2:Pre-reading T:Hello!How are you! St:I'm fine.Thank you! T:Yes,just fine.Just fine,right? St:Yes.

T shows the card of\one by one.

T:Hello!How are you! St:Just fine!

T:How's everyboby doing?(T shows the card of\fine\lead the student to answer.) St:Just fine!

T:Just fine.Very good!

Then teacher shows the card of\sentence group by group and one by one. Make a short dialogue: T:How's everyboby doing? Ss:just fine!

(创设情景,教师通过与学生的情景会话,自然过渡到Just fine的运用,渗透新语言。并进一步引出How's everyboby doing?的学习。继而进行操练,为学生突破阅读障碍。) Step3:In-reading 1.General reading

Read the passage quickly and make true or false. (1)Grandpa is writing a letter.(T)

(2)Father is cooking dinner in the kitchen.(F)


2.Detailed reading

Read the passage carefully and answer the follow questions: (1)What is grandpa doing? (2)What is brother doing? (3)What is mom doing? (4)What is dad doing?


3.Read and write

To write the answers on the books.And have a student write the answers onto the blackboard.Then check the answers.

(填写课本上的填空题,落实学生写的训练。培养学生处理文本中问题,获取细节信息的能力。并对中等偏下的学生进行深入指导。学生采用合作阅读的方式进行,体现合作互助。) 4.Listening Just listen.

Listen,point and repeat. (听录音,模仿语音语调。) 5.Read aloud

Read aloud by themselves then choose a litter teacher and have the

students read after he/she.

(通过个人自由大声朗读和小老师领读的活动,培养学生的朗读能力、增强语感。) Step4:Post-reading (1)Group work

New year is coming.Please make a call to your friend like this: A:Hi.This is .Can I speak to ,please? B:Sure.He/She is .Hold on,please.

(让学生在真实自然的任务型活动中扩展运用阅读信息,鼓励学生发挥创新,综合运用所学语言) (2)My family

Hi.I'm . This is my . He/She is .

(学生拿出事先准备好的照片,介绍其家人正在干什么。小组合作运用Group work的部分语言完成任务,然后整理语言形成文字最后综合运用语言进行汇报。鼓励学生尽可能的多说句子并有所创新。) Step5:Progress

(1)Sum-up:总结我们在平时接听电话时的正确电话用语:我是……“This is…”


(3)Homework:Writing a passage about what your family is doing in the



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