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I like my hometown

    My hometown is a remote but very beautiful place.

  A small hill named Dongshan is located in the city center covered by lots of lofty trees reaching the sky. Several pavilions and temple are shaded by those trees. When a gust of wind is blowing over, they are eagerly showing their beauties at every possible moment.

  Just the downward of Dongshan Hill there is a vast lake named Shihu where endless bluish waves are surging and hundreds of seagulls are as flying as singing.The lake firmly holds the hill just like a mother affectionately embracing her baby into her broad breast.

  In between the hill and lake, there is a street spreading from east to west.

  One day in May of 1949, the PLA (People’s Liberation Arm) liberated our town and set up new administrative organizations. This street was divided into 3 portions and named after Democracy, Liberation and Victory respectively.

  Among them, Liberation Street was in downtown area with commercial prosperity. Lots of smart business men and artificers were gathering there. (英语作文网收集整理)

  My family was settled down there too and accompanied by our neighbors. Most of them were skillful craft masters, who had promoted the booming of our community with their hard work and wisdom and had composed an arduous chronicle of our society.


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