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I would do my best

来源:网络收集 时间:2024-05-02 下载这篇文档 手机版
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      After I failed in the mid-term exams, my life got so dark and boring that I felt I almost couldn’t go on living any more. I was hurt badly, so I always hid myself in my bedroom and cried quietly. In my family, I felt I myself was one who was never important. I was not allowed to watch TV, use the computer or go out unless permitted. What’s worse, I have to stay in the reading room except when having meals. I almost lost heart.

      But one evening, when the moon was especially bright and the wind blew gently, I heard someone calling me. To my surprise, it was Zhang Wen who understands me a lot. She came specially to see me. She told me: “Nothing is impossible. Where there is a will, there is a way. You should believe in yourself. You must work hard from now on. Don’t think too much.”

      Encouraged by what she said, I restored confidence. I made up my mind to try my best to study. I also hoped that I could catch up with others. I’m sure I can.

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