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A busy month

  It’s in April now. This mouth may be the busiest one during half of my high school life. There are some arrangements for the month below:

  April.2nd The Composition Contest for Chucai Cup

  April.9th Biology

  April.17th Hope Cup

  April.26th & 27th the Mid term examinations

  During the whole month finish a plan for the competition of class meetings

  Besides these, I also have to swim in the sea of homework, and I’m not willing to give up any precious time for sleeping at the same time. So I felt that days has suddenly became short. Complaints came almost every day at first, but now I got used to this kind of lifestyle. Maybe busy life is suitable for me.

  When I got up in the morning, I started thinking about the things I had to finish. Then I would be afraid of wasting a second so I should finish the plans one be one. At last, I would feel tired. Sleeping is more important than the unfinished things. I went to bed and slept soundly soon. All day I only do two things-working and resting, thus I have no time to go off into wild flights of fancy. “Never trouble troubles until trouble troubles you!” Now I think that I have no time to trouble troubles except some difficulties of my wok trouble me!

  In another way, maybe a busy life can prove that I have abilities to do lots of things in many fields. Please don’t laugh at me. When feeling tired, this thought can always

  Maybe schoolmates in Grade 3 will look down upon these busy experiences of mine. But during the busier lives of yours, you can remind yourselves like me that never trouble troubles.


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