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the difference between Greek and Roman

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Ancient Greece and Rome



C ountry Introduction--G e ogra phica l C onditions -- C ity -S ta te V S E m pire


--T ype s of Lite ra ture --S ubje ct M a tte r -- M otif --Form s of E xpre ssion

Lite ra ture


Archite cture --T he cha ra cte ristic

-- T he typica l structure s -- T he m e a nings


Ⅰ. C ountry Introduction*Geographical conditions

Ocean civilizationMountainous Surrounded by sea Lack of soil fertility Rugged terrain


Interior civilization Fertile plain Rich water system resources Lack of mineral resources


T h e b ig g e s t d iffe re n c e : A n c ie n t G re e c e o n ly h a d a lo t o f th e p o lis . A n c ie n t R o m e e s ta b lis h e d th e R o m a n E m p ire .


Ⅱ. Lite ra ture ——T ype s of lite ra tureAncient Greece Ancient Rome

Myth Epic Epic Fable Lyric poem(琴歌) Lyric poem(讽刺诗) Farming dictates Idyll(田园诗)

Prose Drama Literature Theory

poetry(农事教谕诗) Prose Drama


Myth:There were many myths in the literature of Ancient Greece, but Ancient Rome just cited some myths created in Ancient Greece in their literature instead of having their own. The feature of the myths in Ancient Greece: 1. Highly imaginative 2. Highly narrative 3. Highly philosophical


Lyric Poem:The lyric poem has several types of literature. 古希腊在琴歌方面颇有成就,琴歌分 为独唱体和合唱体 E.g.独唱体:Sappho、Anacreon 合唱体:Pindar 古罗马讽刺诗发展地更广 E.g. Horatius、Luvenalis


Fable:Aesop’s Fable was born in ancient Greece. The fables such as ”The Fox and The Grapes”, “The Farmer and The Snake”, “The Hare and The Tortoise” were all from Aesop’s Fable. But ancient Rome didn’t have such achievement.


Literature Theory:Literature theory was quite popular in ancient Greece, for Aristotle and Plato were at that time. But in ancient Rome, this aspect of literature was lacking.


Ⅱ. Lite ra ture ——S ubje ct M a tte rAncient GreeceMyth、Hero Emotion and scenery in village Philosophy, historic works, speeches (Prose)

Ancient Rome

Pastoral (农事) Social activities, biography(Prose)


Hero-centric subject was quite general in ancient Greece. E.g. The Oedipus Legend, The Hercules Legend, The Odysseus Legend. But ancient Rome had few this kind of subject.


The idyll in ancient Greece emphasized more on the emotions and scenery in village. The representative poet: Theocritus Ancient Rome: Farming dictates poetry paid more attention to the farm work, such as growing crops, planting olive, growing grape, herding sheep, raising bees and so on. E.g. Georgics by Publius Vergilius Maro


Ancient Greece: Prose’s subject matter was more inclined to philosophy, historic works and speeches. E.g. distinguished historian: Herodotus, Thucydides; distinguished philosopher and elocutionist: Socrates Ancient Rome: Prose’s subject matter was more inclined to biography and social act

ivities. E.g. Parallel lives by Plutarch; Metamorphoses by Lucius Apuleius


Ⅱ. Lite ra ture ——M otifAncient Greece Ancient Rome

Personal Consciousness Collective Consciousness Emphasize the value of Sacrifice spirit Concept of responsibility individual standard


Ancient Greece: Homer Epic described many hero images. Those heroes’ behavior motivation is closely related to personal glory, love, possession, and so on. Their adventure always showed their own braveness and wisdom. Ancient Rome: The protagonist of the Aeneid written by Publius Vergilius Maro was not only brave but also patriotic. This kind of literature has strong political purposes. People in Rome always refrained from personal feelings to their country.


Ⅱ. Lite ra ture ——F orm s of E xpre ssionAncient Greece

Ancient Rome

Personification(拟人 化) Mythologization(神 话化) Liveliness and Vividness Nature and Plain

Logos(理性) Elaboration Solemnity and Loftiness


Ⅲ. Archite cture

the Parthenon

*The characteristicThe main characteristic of the a ncie nt G re e k architecture style is harmonious, perfect and noble.There were two main styles (or "orders") of

Greek architecture, the Doric and the Ionic. The Doric style was used in mainland Greece and spread from there to the Greek colonies in Italy. The Ionic style was used in the cities of Ionia (now the west coast of Turkey) and some of the Aegean islands. The Doric style was more formal and austere, the Ionic was more relaxed and decorative. Temple of Athena Nike

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