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英语辩论必看 persuasive speech

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辩论 英语

Persuasive Speech

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Table of Contents What is Persuasive Speech? Classical Persuasive Appeals Contemporary Persuasive Appeals A Plan for Organizing Persuasive Speeches*

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What Is Persuasive Speech? Persuasion The process of influencing attitudes, beliefs, values, and behavior

Persuasive speaking Speech that is intended to influence the beliefs, attitudes, values, and acts of others*

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What Is Persuasive Speech?

Persuasive vs. Informative The goal of the persuasive speech is to influence audience choices These choices may range from slight shifts in opinion to wholesale changes in behavior Persuasive speeches seek a response As with informative speeches, persuasive speeches respect audience choices*

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What Is Persuasive Speech?

Persuasive Purposes How can you determine whether your topic and goals are persuasive? you seek to influence an audience’s attitudes about an issue you seek to influence an audience’s beliefs or understanding about something you seek to influence an audience’s behavior you seek to reinforce an audience’s existing attitudes, beliefs or behaviors*

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What Is Persuasive Speech?

The Process of Persuasion When you speak persuasively, you try to guide the audience to adopt a particular attitude, belief, or behavior that you favor*

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Several factors that increase the odds that your efforts at persuasion will succeed

A message should meet the psychological needs of the audience Seek only minor changes in the audience’s attitudes Establish a common ground between yourself and the audience Leave your audience feeling satisfied and competent For change to endure, people must be convinced they will be rewarded in some way*

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Classical Persuasive Appeals According to Aristotle, persuasion could be brought about by the speakers use of three modes of rhetorical proof Rhetorical proof The speaker’s use of three modes of persuasion: the nature of the message, the audience’s feelings, and the personality of the speaker*

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Classical Persuasive Appeals:


Many persuasive speeches focus on serious issues requiring considerable thought Logos Refers to persuasive appeals directed at the audience’s reasoning on a topic*

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Classical Persuasive Appeals:


Pathos involves an appeal to audience emotion Pathos As used by Aristotle in terms of persuasive appeals, the audience’s feelings*

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Classical Persuasive Appeals:

Ethos Ethos

As used by Aristotle in terms of persuasive appeals, based on the nature of the speaker’s moral character and personality*

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Contemporary Persuasive Appeals These approaches include appealing to audience needs; audience attitudes, values, and behavior; the audience’s ways of processing messages; and the speakeraudience relationship*

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Contemporary Persuasive Appeals:

Appeals to Audience Needs Appealing to audience needs is one of the most commonly used strategies for motivati

ng people

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Maslow's Needs Hierarchy

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Maslow’s hierarchy of needs A set of five basic needs ranging from the essential life-sustaining ones to the less critical self-improvement ones* Physiological needs include needs for water, food and air Safety needs relate to feelings of security

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Contemporary Persuasive Appeals:

Motivating the Audience

Social needs refer to the desire for meaningful relationships with others Self-Esteem needs reflect our desire to feel good about ourselves Self-Actualization needs refer to reaching your highest potential*

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Contemporary Persuasive Appeals:

Establishing Credibility

The relationship between speaker and audience is a crucial element in planning and delivering persuasive speeches Credibility Audience perceptions of and attitudes toward the speaker’s perceived expertise, trustworthiness, similarity to audience members, and attractiveness*

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