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Startup Spotlight: Silevo creates American jobs by way of China

by Lindsay Riddell, San Francisco Business Times October 9. 2012

The recipe for a successful American-based solar manufacturer may call for mixing the best of China and America.

Silevo, a Fremont, California-based solar manufacturer that operates in the shadow of the vacant Solyndra solar facility, has raised $75 million to eventually manufacture solar panels in the United States.

The 200-person firm founded in 2007 has Chinese venture backers, Chinese-American top executives, and is manufacturing its first production line in China—producing panels that today cost less than $1 per watt. These prices are competitive with Chinese prices and could drop to as low as 61 cents a watt by 2013.

Silevo‘s technology is a hybrid solar cell that combines technologies usually used in separate solar and semiconductor applications.

―We package together in a hybrid device a new structure that takes the best attributes of various materials and allows it to generate extra performance at a market-value rate,‖ said Chris Beitel, Silevo‘s head of business development.

Silevo solar cells have reached efficiencies of 21 percent—compared with FirstSolar‘s thin-film panels rated at around 12 percent that sell for about 70 cents per watt. SunPower, known for high efficiencies of around 20 percent, has pricey panels: $1.40 to $1.50 a watt.

Silevo CEO Zheng Xu, a former Applied Materials executive and science whiz, cofounded Silevo in 2007. Xu, born in China, is a U.S. engineer educated in Asia and the U.S. ―Fremont is in Silicon Valley, and also in the high-tech center of the U.S.,‖ Xu said. ―We can capitalize on the talent pool in the Silicon Valley.‖



http://www.factcheck.org/2012/02/did-obama-approve-bridge-work-for-chinese-firms/ FactCheck.org

A Project Of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Did Obama ?Approve? Bridge Work for Chinese Firms?

Posted on February 17, 2012

Q: Is President Obama responsible for Chinese companies building U.S. bridges with stimulus money, as reported by ABC News?

A: No. A viral email distorts an ABC News report. California officials hired a Chinese contractor and rejected federal money to avoid federal ―Buy American‖ laws. FULL QUESTION Is this true?

Diane Sawyer reporting on U.S. bridge projects going to the Chinese…NOT Americans.

The bridges are right here in the U.S. and yet Obama has approved for Chinese contractors to come in and do the work. What about jobs for Americans??? U.S.A. Bridges and Roads Being Built by Chinese Firms FULL ANSWER

This email is an example of how things get distorted and go viral — even when the facts are just a click away. It‘s true that ABC News did a report on Chinese firms winning contracts to repair U.S. bridges. But the report pointedly said states were to blame. It didn‘t mention federal funds — let alone stimulus funds — except to note that California turned down federal money to avoid federal ―Buy American‖ laws and hire a Chinese firm.

In a Sept. 23, 2011, broadcast, ABC News reported on bridge repair contracts going to Chinese firms in three states: Alaska, New York and California. But it gave details on only one project — a $7.2 billion repair of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge. ABC News explained how and why the Chinese firm wound up with the contract, beginning with a decision by the California transportation department not to accept federal funds.

ABC News, Sept. 23, 2011: U.S. law actually requires major infrastructure projects to Buy America when the cost difference is reasonable. In California, U.S. firms say they would have met those guidelines. But state officials decided to turn down federal money for a major part of the bridge, allowing a Chinese company to get the job.

ABC News interviewed a CalTrans official who said the Chinese firm could provide the fabricated bridge decks more quickly because U.S. firms don‘t have enough welders. The broadcast failed to note, however, that only some jobs, not all, will go to China as a result. And taxpayers saved a bundle. From a story in the New York Times last year:

New York Times, June 25, 2011: The assembly work in California, and the pouring of the concrete road surface, will be done by Americans. But construction of the bridge decks and the materials that went into them are a Made in China affair. California officials say the state saved hundreds of millions of dollars by turning to China.


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