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徐美荣外贸英语函电Chapter5 所有知识点及课后答案

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1. on the usual terms 按照惯常条款 under the usual terms 按照惯常条款

according to the usual terms 按照惯常条款 2. in reply to 现答复;兹复 in response to

in answer to

3. unworkable adj. 不能实行的,价格做不开

4. end-users 最终用户,用户(指以使用或消费为目的的消费者) 5. regret vt. 抱歉, 遗憾

6. to the level=to the extent 到达这样的程度 7. be on the high(low) side价格偏高(低) find your price too high 认为你方价格偏高 find our prices too low 认为我方价格偏低

find our prices reasonable 认为我方价格合

find our prices competitive 认为我方价格具有竞争性 find our prices in line with the market 认为我方价格与市价一致 find our prices workable 认为我方价格可行 find our prices acceptable 认为我方价格可接受 8. i.e. 立即 = that is

9. see one’s way clear to do sth 设法做某事 10. direct one’s attention to the fact that

=invite/draw/call 提醒某人注意某事 11. out of line with 与…不一致 in line with 与…一致

12. the prevailing market 现行市场;现行行市 the present market

the current market the ruling market 13. Price

the present price 现行的价格

the ruling price 现行的价格

the going price 现行的价格 the prevailing price 现行的价格 the current price 现行的价格 the prevalent price 现行的价格 14. the Indian origin 产地

country of origin 生产国别;原产地 Certificate of origin 原产地证明

Eg:What is the place of origin? 原产地是哪里? 15. indicate v. 表示;说明;

indication n. 概念;迹象;示意;征兆 16. slightly adv. 略微;稍稍;稍微 17. the difference in (price) (价格方面)的差别

18. such being the case (in this case) 情况就是这样 ,鉴于这种情况

19. step up ph. 促进;加速 20. figure n. 数字

21. in view of ph. 鉴于

22. decline vt. 拒绝;谢绝(用于拒绝,该词要比reject和refuse委婉);vi. 下降; 23. at your earliest convenience ph. 尽早的;早日的;立即 at an early date = before long

at an early moment =by (on,at) the earliest opportunity as soon as possible =without (any ) delay by return =with the least possible delay 执事先生: 真丝女衬衫

感谢贵公司2月20日来函,按惯常条款向我方报盘3000 打上述货物,每件45.00英镑CIF伦敦价。


我们知道中国产品的质量能略好一点但价格之差不应有如此之大。鉴于这种情况,我们无法劝说我们的客户接受你方的价格,因为类似质量的货物可以用低得多的价格买到。 为了促进贸易,我们现在代表我客户还盘如下,以你方确认于本月底前到达我处为准:

每件36英镑CIF伦敦价含佣金百分之二,其它条款如你方2月20日函所示。 只是鉴于我们之间长期的贸易关系才向你做出如此还盘。由于行市在不断地下跌,希望你方能对我还盘予以认真考虑并早日传真接受我们的还盘。 谨上,

Letter 2

24. the subject material 标题项下的货物 the captioned goods

the subject material

25. be found (to be ) on the high side (价格)偏高 be on the high side be too high be a little high

be rather stiff be prohibitive

26. be regretful that 令人感到遗憾的;抱歉的(多用于婉言拒绝) 27. while conj. 然而;但是(形成鲜明的对比) 28. level n. 水平;(商业英语中引申为价格)

at one’s level 按某人的价格

29. firm with an upward tendency (行市)坚挺且有上升趋势 upward tendency 上升趋势 downward tendency 下降趋势

30. in one’s interest ph. 为某人利益着想

31. take (full) advantage of sth. (趁机)利用(别人的缺点,弱点) 32. 与make useful of 的区别:前者具有占人便宜之嫌

33. lapse n. v. 失效

Eg:We regret to say our offer has lapsed unaccepted. 很遗憾,我们的报盘在失效前未被接受。 34. likelihood n. 可能性



从你方2 月23日来函中得知,我方对标题项下货物的报价被认为是偏高的。 尽管我们很感激你方的合作,向我提供了你地市场印度货物的行情,但十分抱歉不能把价格降到你方所示水平。我们不得不指出你方还盘显然与现行市场价格不吻合。因为你邻国买主正在按我们所报价格大量进货。而且,市场坚挺且有上升趋势。一旦此报盘失效,要把货物保留而不予售出是不可能的。

鉴于上述情况,为你方利益着想,建议你方立即接受我方每件45英镑CIF伦敦价格。 谨上, Letter 3

36. much to one’s regret 遗憾;令人遗憾 37. shortage of stock 库存短缺 38. undertake v 承担;答应 39. on account of 由于;因为 due to because of

owing to

40. uncertainty n 变化;不肯定 41. revert v 重提;复原

42. come into stock 有库存;有货 43. hesitate v 犹豫;踌躇

hesitate to do sth 对做某事犹豫不决

hesitate about doing sth 对做某事犹豫不决 hesitate in speaking 说话吞吞吐吐 do not hesitate to do sth 务请… feel free to do sth 不犹豫做某事 44. rely on ph 依靠;信赖 rely upon

45. substitute n. 替代品,代替物 46. substitute v.代替,替换

Substitute A for/with B 用A 代替 B 执事先生:





Letter N

47. turn down ph. 拒绝;摒弃 to decline 婉言拒绝 to refuse 拒绝;回绝

to reject (义正词严地)拒绝 48. conclude v. 达成;得出结论 to conclude a transaction 达成交易

to come to terms 达成交易

to close a bargain 达成交易 to close a deal 达成交易 to put the deal through 达成交易 49. persuade v. 说服;劝说 50. approach v.与…接洽

51. finalize v. 把…最后定下来(指交易搞定) 52. protracted adj. 拖延的;延长的;持久的 53. receipt n 收到;收据 be in receipt of 收到

upon receipt of 一收到…就…

on receipt of 一收到…就… after receipt of 收到后… 54. sales contract 销售合同

sales confirmation 销售确认书

purchase contract 购货合同

purchase confirmation 购货确认书

55. Letter 4

56. disappoint v.使失望

be disappointed at hearing that 听到…感到失望 be disappointed in sb / sth对某人(某事)失望

be disappointed of one’s purpose / hopes没有达到目的 (希望) 57. much as ph.虽然很…

58. the best we can do我们至多所能做的;我们能够做得最好的 the further we can go

all we can do

当买方对卖方说the best we can do往往指把价格稍提高一点;反之,当卖方对买方说the best we can do则指将价格稍降低一点。当然,除了指价格外,the best we can do还可以指其它的交易条款,如支付条件、交货期、装运条件等。 59. see one’s way clear to do sth.设法做…;有可能做… see one’s way clear to doing sth.设法做…; 60. .a flood of orders 大量订单 a crowd of orders大量订单 a large number of 一大批 61. sources 来源

62. direct one’s attention to 使某人注意力集中在;使某人注意 invite one’s attention to sth./ the fact that call one’s attention to sth./ the fact that

draw one’s attention to sth./ the fact that direct one’s attention to sth./ the fact that attract one’s attention to sth./ the fact that arrest one’d attention to sth./ the fact that

bring one’s attention to sth./ the fact that提请注意某事 63. convince v 使确信;使信服;深信;确信 64. repeat order 续订的订单 duplicate order 重复订单 65. commitment n.承担的责任

be heavily committed 订货很多(尚待交货) 66. take sth. into consideration 考虑到;顾及


从3月22日来函中惊悉你方不能接受我报盘,因为其他供应商报价低于我们的价格。 虽然我们非常愿意与你方在拓宽销路方面多多合作,但十分抱歉无法考虑接受你的还盘。因为事实上,我们已收到其它地区的买主按我方价格成交的大量订单。

希望你方能提请客户注意这一点:不仅要考虑价格还要考虑到产品的质量。 谨上,

Letter 5

67. keep sth before sb 记住某事

keep your inquiry in our mind记住你的询盘

keep your inquiry on file for future reference记住你的询盘待有机会再办 68.




我们记住你的询盘,一旦能够接受新订单就会立即与你方联系无误。 谨上, 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74.


1. 反还盘 counter counteroffer 2. 按惯常条款 on the usual terms 3. 现行市场价格 the ruling price 4. 价格偏高 be on the high side 5. 上涨趋势 upward tendency 6. 大量订单 a flood of orders

7. 由于大量成约 owing to heavy bookings

8. 利用市场上涨的优势 take advantage of upward tendency 9. 重复订单 duplicate orders

10. 原材料的不稳定 Uncertainty of raw materials Translation

1. 你方还盘与现行市场价不符。

Your counteroffer is not in line with the prevailing market. 2. 很遗憾,我们的价格与你方还盘之间的差距太大。

We are sorry the difference between our price and your counteroffer is too wide. 3. 很遗憾我们不能把价格降到你方所表示的水平。

We very much regret that we cannot reduce our price to the level you indicated. 4. 由于原材料短缺,制造商不能接受任何新的订单。

Owing to the shortage of raw materials, the manufacturer can’t accept any new orders.

5. 由于大量承约,我们不能接受新订单,但是一旦新货源到来,我们将随即去电与你方联系不误。

Owing to heavy commitments, we regret that we cannot entertain any fresh orders for the time being, but we will contact you by cable as soon as the new supplies come. 6. 目前我们暂不能给你们报盘,但将记住你方的询价。

We cannot offer you at present, but we will keep your enquiry before us. 7. 报给你方的价格是很实际的。很抱歉不能接受你方的还盘。

The price we quoted is quite realistic. And we regret that your counteroffer is unacceptable to us.

8. 我们的报价相当合理,(这)已为你地其他客户所接受。

The price we quoted is quite reasonable, which has been accepted by the other buyers at your end.

9. 你方必须降价百分之二左右,否则没有成交的可能。

You must reduce your price by 2% otherwise business is impossible. 10. 请随时告知你处市场的供货情况。

Please keep us informed of the supply position in your place. 11. 12. 13.

7. 由于大量成约 owing to heavy bookings

8. 利用市场上涨的优势 take advantage of upward tendency 9. 重复订单 duplicate orders

10. 原材料的不稳定 Uncertainty of raw materials Translation

1. 你方还盘与现行市场价不符。

Your counteroffer is not in line with the prevailing market. 2. 很遗憾,我们的价格与你方还盘之间的差距太大。

We are sorry the difference between our price and your counteroffer is too wide. 3. 很遗憾我们不能把价格降到你方所表示的水平。

We very much regret that we cannot reduce our price to the level you indicated. 4. 由于原材料短缺,制造商不能接受任何新的订单。

Owing to the shortage of raw materials, the manufacturer can’t accept any new orders.

5. 由于大量承约,我们不能接受新订单,但是一旦新货源到来,我们将随即去电与你方联系不误。

Owing to heavy commitments, we regret that we cannot entertain any fresh orders for the time being, but we will contact you by cable as soon as the new supplies come. 6. 目前我们暂不能给你们报盘,但将记住你方的询价。

We cannot offer you at present, but we will keep your enquiry before us. 7. 报给你方的价格是很实际的。很抱歉不能接受你方的还盘。

The price we quoted is quite realistic. And we regret that your counteroffer is unacceptable to us.

8. 我们的报价相当合理,(这)已为你地其他客户所接受。

The price we quoted is quite reasonable, which has been accepted by the other buyers at your end.

9. 你方必须降价百分之二左右,否则没有成交的可能。

You must reduce your price by 2% otherwise business is impossible. 10. 请随时告知你处市场的供货情况。

Please keep us informed of the supply position in your place. 11. 12. 13.

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