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完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳答案。 An elderly couple lived in a small cottage overlooking some rocky land. One early morning the woman saw from their window a young man dressed in working clothes 1 on the rocky land. He was carrying a spade (铁锹) and a small case, and he walked to the bush and was out of 2 .

The woman thought no more about it but around the same time the next day she 3 the man again, carrying his spade and the case, and again he disappeared behind the bush. The woman mentioned this to her husband, who said he was 4 a hunter setting traps. He added, “Maybe he is a 5 performing some farm work, it would be perfectly 6 , and there was no need to worry.” However, after several more sightings of the young man over the next two weeks, the woman persuaded her husband to take a walk — 7 , before the man would arrive — to the bush to find out what he was doing.

There they were 8 to find a long and deep trench (地沟), rough at one end, becoming much neater and 9 towards the other end. “How strange,” the old lady said. “Why dig a trench in such difficult 10 ground?” Just then the young man 11 , earlier than his usual time. The old woman asked curiously, “We 12 what you were doing and what was in the case.”

“I’m digging a trench,” said the man. Seeing the curious expressions on the couple’s faces, he realized a furtherer 13 was appropriate, “The job I will apply for requires the necessary 14 . I’m actually learning how to dig a good trench. And the 15 — I have just got my lunch in it.” Finally, the man got his desired job. 1. A. working 2. A. sight 3. A. blamed 4. A. occasionally 5. A. traveler 6. A. normal 7. A. bravely 8. A. surprised 9. A. shallower 10. A. soft 11. A. returned

B. walking B. control B. served

C. hunting

D. weeding

C. balance D. touch C. saw D. helped C. absolutely D. probably

B. fortunately

B. thief C. farmer D. planter B. useful

C. safe D. easy

B. early C. calmly D. faithfully B. ashamed B. wider B. muddy B. jumped

C. amused D. frightened C. deeper D. tidier C. rocky

D. solid

C. left D. appeared

12. A. ignored 13. A. explanation 14. A. curiosity 15. A. bag

B. believed B. arrangement B. experience B. spade

C. wondered D. witnessed C. escape D. project C. suggestion

D. intelligence

C. basket D. case

?本篇完形填空中涉及到文章主旨大意的为第 小题。


1. B。由第2空前walked to可知:她看到一个年轻人穿着工作服,在远处的石头路上走着(walking)。 2. A。根据下段第一句中的again he disappeared可知:他扛着铁锹,提着一个小盒,走到一片灌木丛那儿就不见了(sight)。

3. C。根据上一段saw及下文the man again可知:第二天那个时间,她又见到了那个男子。 4. D。从下文Maybe可知:大概(probably)是猎人在设置捕猎陷阱或者是农夫(farmer)在干活。 5. C。参考第4题解析。另:本空后farm work有提示。

6. A。与本空后no need to worry构成对应:这些都太正常了(normal),没有必要挂在心上。

7. B。由本空后before…to find out可知:他认为没有必要操心这事,所以老太太就劝他去看看,早点去(early),赶到年轻人到来之前(不要让他发现)。

8. A。根据下文中的How strange可知:看到布满石头的地上竟然被挖出了一条长长的深沟,他们非常吃惊(surprised)。

9. D。根据本空前rough和neater可知:深沟一开始的这头很不规范,而越往另一头就越整齐(tidier)。这也说明年轻人挖地沟,越挖越有经验。

10. C。根据第一段some rocky land可知:这位老人说道:为什么他要在如此坚硬布满石头的地上挖沟呢? 11. D。根据上下文语境可知:这时这个年轻人出现了(appeared),比以往要早。

12. C。从本空前curiously可知:这对夫妇想知道(wondered)这个年轻人在做什么还有他的盒子里装了什么。 13. A。本空后他说的话就是他做出的进一步解释(explanation)。

14. B。通读全文可知,这个年轻人的行为举止都是为了学习如何挖沟,因而可推知他要应聘的那个工作要求必须有相关的经验(experience)。

15. D。上文case有提示:至于那个小盒子(case),是“我”用来装午饭用的。 ?本篇完形填空中涉及到文章主旨大意的为第14小题。



On a cold December morning, my mother and I were walking home from a pizza store. We were dressed

warmly and equipped 1 the video we had been dying to watch. I was feeling a little 2 , as I was carrying our shopping, bags of snacks and the video.

They were so heavy that I decided to 3 some things. So I started to walk towards the garbage can when I 4 a poor man walking his bike out of the restaurant in front of us. He held a paper bag with his dirty hand. He 5 over to another nearby garbage can and started 6 it.

I suddenly felt very 7 . I knew this man would take all he could get, 8 I walked up to him and 9 the drink and some snacks over to him. The man, with lines on his face and wrinkles on his forehead, looked up in 10 and took what I gave him.

A huge smile 11 across his face and this caused me to feel indescribable 12 . I felt like I couldn’t be 13 with myself, but then he said, “Wow, first someone gives me this sandwich, then this drink, and now some 14 food; this is my daughter’s 15 day! ”

He thanked me 16 and started off on his bike. I even heard him whistling a song as he rode away. I now 17 what is meant by the saying“giving is getting”. Everyone in the world needs help, everyone can 18 help and everyone will be helped by showing 19 .

The image of that man’s happiness caused by my small gift appears in my mind every time I have the 20 to do something nice.

【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文, 作者通过自身经历感悟到“付出即是回报”这一深刻的人生哲理。 1. A. for

B. of

C. with

D. about

【解析】选C。固定搭配题。be equipped with表示“带有; 配备有”。 2. A. excited

B. puzzled

C. tired

D. satisfied

【解析】选C。前后照应题。根据后半句及第二段第一句可知作者拿着那么多东西感到有点“累”。 3. A. pick out

B. eat up

C. put down

D. throw away

【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。根据下一句作者走向垃圾箱及本句前半句可知作者想扔掉一些物品。 4. A. heard

B. noticed

C. felt

D. watched

【解析】选B。词义辨析题。作者“注意到”饭店外一位可怜的人推着自行车。如选择D项, 意味着作者一直在注视着这个人, 显然与文意不符。 5. A. headed

B. rode

C. ran

D. fled

【解析】选A。词义辨析题。head此处是动词, 意思是“朝……方向走”。根据本段前面walking一词可知他没有骑车, 所以B项错误。 6. A. breaking into C. staring at

B. looking through D. searching for

【解析】选B。短语辨析题。他仔细地往垃圾箱里看, 希望能发现自己所需要的东西。C项指因惊奇、愤怒或恐惧等而凝视, 因此不恰当。如选择D项, 应去掉for。 7. A. cold

B. afraid

C. guilty

D. content

【解析】选C。词义辨析题。他的悲惨境况让作者感到“内疚”。 8. A. but

B. because

C. so

D. if

【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。作者知道他因生活所迫会拿走任何可以带走的东西, “所以”就走了过去。 9. A. turned

B. thought

C. took

D. handed

【解析】选D。固定搭配题。作者非常同情他, 把饮料和一些零食“递给”了他。 10. A. surprise

B. detail

C. case

D. return

【解析】选A。固定搭配题。一位素不相识的陌生人竟然给了自己这么多东西, 所以他感到很“吃惊”。 11. A. disappeared C. existed

B. paused D. spread

【解析】选D。词义辨析题。他的脸上荡起了笑容。 12. A. disappointment C. satisfaction

B. shame D. victory

【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。作者没有想到自己的举手之劳给了对方这么多快乐, 因此非常“满足”。 13. A. sadder

B. angrier

C. happier

D. crazier

【解析】选C。固定搭配题。作者从来没有这么“高兴”过。 14. A. cheap

B. tasty

C. clean

D. useful

【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。根据前半句可知是“美味的”食物。 15. A. lucky C. interesting

B. busy D. quiet

【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。能吃到如此可口的食品, 女儿很“幸运”。 16. A. carefully C. calmly

B. happily D. fortunately

【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。他“高兴地”谢过我就骑车离开了。 17. A. remember C. appreciate

B. understand D. recognize

【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。作者现在才“理解”giving is getting的含义。 18. A. refuse

B. receive

C. offer

D. find


19. A. kindness C. willingness

B. eagerness D. braveness

【解析】选A。词义辨析题。“友爱”可以使每个人都得到帮助。 20. A. chance

B. desire

C. purpose

D. feeling

【解析】选A。固定搭配题。作者每次遇到做好事的“机会”, 脑海中总会浮现出那个人。


This world seems to be full of talent. We cannot do all things well and cannot do most things at all. But we all have our __1__.

Talented as the great physicist was,Albert Einstein experienced feelings of inadequacy(不足).In 1952 Einstein was __2__ the first presidency of the new nation of Israel. He turned it down with this statement:“I am __3__moved by the offer from our State of Israel to serve as President, and at once saddened and __4__ that I cannot accept it. All my life I have dealt with objective

matters,hence(因此) I lack both the __5__ aptitude(天赋)and the experience to deal properly with people and to exercise __6__ functions. For these reasons alone I should be unsuited to __7__ the duties of that high office...”

This wise and insightful physicist also knew that he __8__the necessary political skill for such a demanding position. Is there really any __9__in knowing our limitations?We should __10__ on what we did well and the world will be better. We may or may not __11__ it,but we have the capacity to do some things well. In fact,very well.Few of us will ever be __12__,but we can still __13__ meaningfully to life. And when we know __14__ we can do and decide to do that __15__ thing,we just might discover we are happy.

( )1.A.minds B.expressions C.principles D.gifts ( )2.A.equipped B.offered C.permitted D.settled ( )3.A.similarly B.especially C.deeply D.willingly


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