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【奥鹏】[大连理工大学]大工18秋《大学英语4》在线测试2 试卷总分:100 得分:100

第1题,The father repeatedly __________ with the police officer to set his daughter free, holding firm to his belief that she was innocent. A、argued B、protested C、angered D、pleaded

第2题,Charles regretted ________ the TV set last year. The price has now gone down. A、buying B、to buy C、of D、from

第3题,Since 1999, the number of foreign students at German universities ________ from 113,000 to almost 200,000. A、has increased B、ave increased C、are increased D、was increased

第4题,We might have failed if you ()us a helping hand. A、have not given B、would not give C、had not given D、did not give

第5题,He has just arrived, but he talks as if he ()all about that. A、know B、knows C、known D、knew


第6题,His words are _________ but the meaning is deep. A、few B、a few C、little D、a little

第7题,Will you _______ me a favor, please? A、do B、make C、bring D、give

第8题,The soldiers rushed toward the wall to find ________ from the bullets. A、prevent B、safe C、shroud D、shelter

第9题,Though he had often made his little sister _________, today he was made _________ by his little sister. A、cry; to cry B、crying; crying C、cry; cry D、to cry; cry

第10题,Only a very delicate thermometer can ________ such tiny changes in temperature in a precise way. A、count B、relate C、measure D、number


第11题,The law requires that everyone ()his car checked at least once a year. A、has B、had C、have

D、will have

第12题,It was on the beach ______ Miss White found the kid lying dead. A、that B、this C、it D、which

第13题,-What a heavy rain! -So it is. I prefer()rather than () on such a rainy day.

A、to go out; stay at home B、to stay at home; go out C、going out; stay at home D、staying at home ; go out

第14题,Every one of them ________ tired and wanted a good rest. A、seems B、is seemed C、was seemed D、seemed

第15题,Jim went to great _____ to try to please his girlfriend. A、bother B、lengths C、ways D、troubles


第16题,The advertisement with cartoon animation is designed to __________ a worldwide attention, especially that of the youngsters'. A、distract B、capture C、attack D、occupy

第17题,The owner and editor of the newspaper ______ the conference. A、were attending B、were to attend C、is to attend D、are to attend

第18题,______ in the United States, St. Louis has now become the 24th largest city. A、The fourth biggest city it was B、Once the fourth biggest city C、Being the fourth biggest city

D、It was once the fourth biggest city

第19题,The chairman suggested that we _____ the meeting to a close by singing the national anthem. A、bring B、brought C、be bringing D、would bring

第20题,The energy ______ by the chain reaction is transformed into heat. A、transferred B、released C、delivered D、conveyed


第21题,Mrs. Anderson went to great lengths to keep her son from getting mixed up in such dreadful things. A、错误 B、正确

第22题,Dr. Smith was always concerned about the poor and the sick, often providing them with free medical care. A、错误 B、正确

第23题,This hotel, if not well managing, will yield little profit. A、错误 B、正确

第24题,I suggest we stopped and found shelter from the wind and snow for the night. A、错误 B、正确

第25题,The local government is worried that the drought in this region every year may lead to many people to be forced to leave their homes. A、错误 B、正确

第26题,Many old men prefer live in a peaceful countryside. A、错误 B、正确

第27题,I found a letter lying on the floor when I came into the classroom. A、错误



第28题,I have read the news of today. How about one of yesterday? A、错误 B、正确

第29题,The overall goal of the book is to help bridge the gap between research and teaching. A、错误 B、正确

第30题,The new school year is about to begin. A、错误 B、正确



第28题,I have read the news of today. How about one of yesterday? A、错误 B、正确

第29题,The overall goal of the book is to help bridge the gap between research and teaching. A、错误 B、正确

第30题,The new school year is about to begin. A、错误 B、正确


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