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A Brief Discussion on the Synergy in World Peace Promotion

来源:网络收集 时间:2024-05-02 下载这篇文档 手机版
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    圣宗 薄伽梵 大圣 大圣宝 至极维摩诘 阿达尔嘛佛 净悟老法王圣密龙讲圣示,以音乐章法作宇宙规律、宇宙道德、宇宙生命、宇宙秩序的比喻:

Holy Patriarch Bhagavan the Great Holy the Great Holy Jewel Zhi-Ji Vimalakirt Ahdharma Buddha Jing Wu Elder Dharma Lord sheng mi long jiang holy instructed, using musical composition to analogize the rule of the universe, the morality of the universe, life of the universe and order of the universe:



The exquisite and pleasant music performed by a musical group is not because of “sameness” of all the musical notes; however it is the exact opposite. It is because of the rich “diversity” of musical notes of the movement. Such notes that compose this musical piece are a “diversity” moving towards “sameness” harmonious unison of organic coordination.



    圣宗 薄伽梵 大圣 大圣宝 至极维摩诘 阿达尔嘛佛 净悟老法王的圣密龙讲圣示,昭示了全人类共同前进的方向,提出全球化与多元化的必要性。

Holy Patriarch Bhagavan the Great Holy the Great Holy Jewel Zhi-Ji Vimalakirt Ahdharma Buddha Jing Wu Elder Dharma Lord’s sheng mi long jiang holy instruction has revealed the direction of mankind’s collective advancement and pointed out the necessity of globalization and diversification.



The trend of globalization of the current world symbolizes a mutual and collective advance of mankind, symbolizes a transcendence progression of the mind, the mental and the spiritual. Learning from various lessons of the history of human civilization, to no longer engage in world wars, humanity is proactively establishing a world full of universal great love.



In the historical books of human civilization, religion has always been seen as a powerful promoter of world peace. Mental and spiritual leaders of various major religions since ancient times have become the symbol of peace and personification of harmony in the hearts of the people. Furthermore, religious spiritual leaders have become the vanguard of world peace promotion.



Hence, religious transcendence peaceful dialogue is the common need of mankind to coexist in diversity and peacefully progress. This is the transcendence fundamental consensus attained by spiritual leaders of the globe, it is a preliminary transcendence spiritual achievement constructed under transcendence spiritual guidance.

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