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Unit 1 Festivals around the world

Exercise 1 据句意及所给单词首字母或汉语意思完成下列句子.

1. ---Do you need more milk?

---No, thanks, there’s p_______ in the fridge.

2. She’s s_______ herself to try to lose weight.

3. Nothing s_________ him, he’s always complaining (抱怨).

4. You f ________ me to death suddenly shouting out by my ear.

5. I a________ him for his success in business.

6. The judge __________ (判定)both finalists (决赛者) equal points.

7. These books are ___________ (最喜欢的东西) of mine.

8. Christmas Day is a __________ (宗教的) festival.

9. I made my ___________ (道歉) and left early.

10. I ___________ (原谅) her long ago.

1.He means __________by saying what he thinks.

2.This misunderstanding _________ a war between the two countries.

3.Sam used to be a spy ___________ a journalist.

4.The Spring Festival in China ______________ an activity to drive off the “Nian”, a wild beast.

5.Don’t ____________ me; I’m not a fool.

6.He ended the letter with “____________ seeing you soon”.

7.The parents __________________ their child’s success.

8.What time are you planning to __________ tomorrow?

9.Father bought a Christmas tree ____________ coloured lights a week ago.

10.We have never discovered what ____between the couple that day.


Unit 2 Healthy eating

Exercise 1 据句意及所给单词首字母或汉语意思完成下列句子.

1.Don’t take some e___________ exercise when you have caught a cold.

2.He gave in to c_______and opened the letter addressed to his classmate.

3.Tom would never a__________ to being wrong.

4.Did Lucy m_________ when she would come to see me?

5.I’ve had the b___________ of a good education.

6.Because they didn’t reach any agreement, they had to make a _________(折中) decision.

7.He could do nothing but stand and ___________ (惊讶).

8.The subject has already been fully _____________(研究).

9.Dao Lang is ____________ (受欢迎的) among the youth.

10.Hydrogen ____________(结合) with oxygen to form water.

1.He’s been ill for weeks and doesn’t __________ for work yet.

2.She ______________ by singing in a nightclub.

3.He was extremely angry yesterday and said he would not come back. But he returned today ______________.

4.How many countries will be _______________ the games?

5.He _______________ Hamlet in the play.

6.I just stopped cycling to ________ running over the cat in the street.

7.He wasn’t ___________ as a teacher because of lacking of experience.

8.That sad thing had happened ___________.

9.All the woman ____________ their children.

10.The firm __________ me with a car since I worked here.


Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank-Note

Exercise 1 据句意及所给单词首字母或汉语意思完成下列句子.

1.She is an i_________ actress in modern times.

2.After three hours of waiting for the train, our p__finally went to end.

3.The fans s___________ with excitement when they saw the star.

4.She seems g_________ but can I trust her?

5.He has a good sense of h_________, so most of the students like his class.

6.His illness ___________ ( 是 的解释) his absence.

7.I only found it ____________ (偶然地).

8.He was _________(妒忌) Tom’s success.

9.You can tell from her __________(外表) that she has been ill.

10.Dogs are not ___________ (允许) in the building.

1.He took no ___________ what I said and failed.

2.Tell me what you ____________ yourselves last Sunday.

3.He spends all his money ________________ horses.

4.Don’t look at me in such way; I don’t like being ____________.

5.The program made in yesterday’s conference will soon _____________.

6.You shouldn’t consider Tom poor though he is ____________.

7.I don’t think she ___________what happens to her children.

8.______________, I don’t think we have a chance of winning.

9._____________ we know more will we be able to improve the situation.

10.I can’t ___________, but I will do my best.


Unit 4 Astronomy:the science of the stars

Exercise 1 据句意及所给单词首字母或汉语意思完成下列句子.

1.A __________ is scientific study of the sun, moon, stars, planets, ect.

2.Christian, Buddhist and Hindu are the main r_________ in the world.

3.The a___________ over dinner was warm and friendly.

4.The firework e__________ in his hand.

5.The news he s__________ around the town was not true.

6.It’s a _______ (谜) to me why they didn’t choose him.

7.We must care about further ___________ (进展).

8.As a parent, you should not ___________(鼓励) bad habits in a child.


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