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The Development of Mobile Internet Browser Based on 3G Netwo

来源:网络收集 时间:2024-05-03 下载这篇文档 手机版
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  Abstract:The communication technology and internet technology are Inseparable all the time.With the advent of 3G,which has lead to a revolution in the Internet,Mobile Internet came into being. This paper discusses of paper the mobile browser in the current mobile Internet and mobile Internet in the future the important role played .According to the views in this article, our team designed and developed a new mobile browser called “DuoGuo Mobile Browser”.

  1. Introduction

  2009 is the first year of China’s telecommunications industry of 3G era,  which is also the first year of China's mobile Internet.Mobile Internet is a integration of mobile network and Internet. Mobile  Internet  business shows a feature that mobile communications business and Internet business integration together.Mobile Internet business applications are also following the traditional path of the development of Internet business .From the portal website,instant messaging, the searching service extend  to the social services, etc.I Mobile Internet business is increasingly clear, while of the Internet and traditional profit model is the mobile Internet can be copied.

  Mobile Internet is not only the Internet can be movable.On its business, the mobile Internet business is broadly divided into three categories: First, a copy of the fixed Internet.Second, the mobile communications business as the Internet, and the third is the innovative mobile internet business. As the mobile  its industrial chain will become very complicated, Including terminal device manufacturers, telecom operators, service providers, system developers and so on.Therefore, the mobile Internet business model has become more complex, more diversified.

  However, if you want to achieve the above and experience the mobile Internet business, there must be a good access point and good way to achievethe .The best direct way that the mobile phone connects to the Internet is the mobile browser. Mobile phone’s browser as a important interface of mobile phone which connects to internet is getting more and more attation.The internet in the mobile is particularly valuable,the Information is difficult to read too much, and there is too little information on the lack of value.Compared with computer browser,mobile broswer works in the environment of low CPU processing power, storage space for small, small display screen of the mobile embedded . This doomed the best mobile phone's browser must have good experience.

  Based on this background, We designed and developed “DuoGuo Mobile Browser”.

  2. Today’s Mobile Browser

  This  mobile  browser was developed by QT. QT is a complete developing framework which applied C++,It includes a class library for cross-platform tools, and internationalized, QT’s  API on all supported platforms are the same,

  QT tools on these platforms use the same method.So QT application development and Deployment are platform-independent

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