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大学英语4单选题库 北京工商大学

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Multiple choices

Directions: Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.

Unit 1

1. He pushed open the door and left Catherine ____________ to complain about her misery.

A. preceded

B. proceeded

C. processed

D. propelled

Key: B

2. Furthermore, many pensioners who are struggling ____________ do not qualify for income


A. emotionally

B. physically

C. financially

D. spiritually

Key: C

3. As in any mathematics teaching, clever use of questions can ____________ people along.

A. pull

B. extend

C. punch

D. nudge

Key: D

4. The sister said that her brother ____________ the psychiatrist after feeling depressed,

homesick and lonely.

A. consulted

B. highlighted

C. sympathized

D. proceeded

Key: A

5. The first priority is to ____________ a good reference book to identify the pest and choose

the most effective control.

A. concede

B. concise

C. consent

D. consult

Key: D

6. It is therefore orientated towards the young and is not intended to provide adults with

channels of communication with the police for joint ____________.

A. concession

B. conciseness

C. consumption

D. consultation

Key: D

7. The investment will provide the hotel with some of the most ____________ and up-to-date

training and presentation facilities in North Yorkshire.

A. tricky

B. comprehensive

C. upcoming

D. detached

Key: B

8. Picking the select few to make the ____________ from a successful playing career in football

to television reporting has become a minor entertainment in itself.

A. show

B. display

C. illustration

D. transition

Key: D

9. My injuries have not yet completely ____________ from the last fight with bully McNab —

only three weeks previously.

A. cured

B. treated

C. healed

D. diagnosed

Key: C

10. Despite strong objections, Mr De Silva said the government would ____________ with plans

to increase the number of seats in the Legislative Assembly.

A. precede

B. programme

C. proceed

D. process

Key: C

11. From a personal point of view, the best interviews are the ones which become conversations,

which ____________ on an equal basis, that are informal but still retain some kind of shape.

A. conduct

B. precede

C. develop

D. proceed

Key: D

12. This broadcast was immediately ____________ by a report where predictions were already

showing that the Conservatives were very likely to gain an overall majority.

A. proceeded

B. described

C. preceded

D. followed

Key: C

13. Then life ____________: when the children at least are independent, aging or ill parents and

other relatives need their attention.

A. comes full circle

B. takes a hard line

C. strikes the right note

D. exceeds their expectations

Key: A

14. The House of Lords shows every sign of adopting a hard ____________ against trade unions

when interpreting the new legislation.

A. pose

B. attitude

C. line

D. policy

Key: C

15. It is a bizarre tale, and Cobb makes it memorable by striking just the right ____________ of

horror, amusement and disbelief.

A. note

B. tune

C. tone

D. band

Key: A

16. Once you have added up the figures in the budget planner, you will have to ____________

income tax to arrive at the net spending amount available to you.

A. divide

B. deduct

C. multiply

D. add

Key: B

17. Crisis ____________ are to help the borrowers pay for things needed urgently because of an

emergency or a disaster.

B. investments

C. repayments

D. loans

Key: D

18. For a formal theme, neat-growing trees such as the green pines can be planted at

____________ intervals along a brick path to create a little avenue.

A. average

B. regular

C. ordinary

D. medium

Key: B

19. Students eligible for a mandatory award from a grant awarding authority should bring a

____________ of their offer of award letter to hand in at enrollment.

A. certificate

B. passport

C. licence

D. photocopy

Key: D

20. The almost wordless scene in which Ma Joad, packing her ____________ for the last time,

comes across a pair of old earrings and tries them on, recalling some long forgotten happiness, is as touching as anything he ever directed.

A. loans

B. belongings

C. photocopies

D. antidotes

Key: B

21. Fignon said in a statement that he had asked for a second test at a different laboratory but his

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