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Learn new words and phrases2(11)

来源:网络收集 时间:2024-05-03 下载这篇文档 手机版
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medium, media.

5.reliability: n 可靠性,reliable: a 可靠的, unreliable: a 不可靠的

6.partial: a 偏袒的,部分的,be partial to sb.

7.up-to-date: a 最新的,out of date: 过时的,to date: 至今

1).Will long dress go out of date next year?

2).To date, we have not received any replies from him.

3).She always wears clothes that are right up to date.

8.analyze: v 分析,analysis: n, 复数形式:analyses.

9.work on:从事 ; 对 有影响

1).The scientist has been working on environmental protection for many years.

2).The sufferings of the poor worked on our feelings so much that we gave them all the help we could.

10.set sth up:设立、建立、提出

1).A statue was set up in the center of the city.

2).Many countries agreed to set up an international organization to keep peace.

3).Einstein set up many important theories.

Analyze the difficult sentences:

1.Scientists are working on program to predict where and when an earthquake will occur.(P1)


分析:Scientists are working on program是句子的主体部分,to predict where and when an earthquake will occur是动词不定式做定语,修饰program.其中,where and when an earthquake will occur是动词predict的宾语从句,注意疑问句的语序。词组:work on:从事 ,对 有影响,如:

The sufferings of the poor worked on our feelings so much that we gave them all the help we could.

2.They hope to develop an early warning system that can be used to forecast earthquakes so that living can be saved.(P1)


分析:该句中that引导的定语从句修饰an early warning system,另外,so that引导目的状语从句。注意,情态动词的被动语态在这句话中的用法。

3.Two of the biggest earthquakes that were ever recorded took place in China and Alaska.(P2)


分析:主语Two of the biggest earthquakes,谓语took place。该句考点,形容词最高级,the biggest; that were ever recorded是定语从句;were recorded表示“被记录”;词组:take place发生、举行,请注意:该词无被动语态。如:

Great changes have taken place in Beijing in recent years.

4.The nations that are actively involved in earthquake prediction programs include Japan, ..(P4) 翻译:积极参与地震预报研究的国家包括日本 。

分析:该句考点,词组be involved in sth参与 ;或be actively involved in sth积极地参与 如:

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