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英语学习阅读材料(A4打印版) - 180730

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Nurture your relationships. It\'s really prominent . 维护你的人际关系,这真的非常重要。 Your family and friends matter. 你的家人和朋友都是很重要的人。 They appear in your life for reasons. 他们出现在你的生命中是有原因的。

Cherish them. Let them know no matter how busy you are, you always have them in mind.

珍惜他们。让他们知道:无论你有多忙,你总会记着他们。 Spending time with people you look up to. 与那些你欣赏的人呆在一起。

There must be someone who is living the kind you life you envision. 肯定有人过着你梦想中的那种生活。 Spend time with them. 花些时间和他们呆在一起。

Spending time with these people need not be two-way all the time. 这种“呆在一起”并不一定得是双向的。

You can also spend time with them via reading or actively learning from their YouTube videos.

你也可以通过阅读他们的著作或者观看他们的YouTube视频来和他们“呆在一起” ==


What Makes A Good Leader?

What makes a good leader is the use of effective management skills such as spending 50 percent or more of their time listening carefully. Great leaders understand that some of the best leadership qualities entail listening to others with undivided attention.

Great leaders with excellent management skills to encourage input and change, Also who encouraged a dialogue with the team came out on top. and the best way to measure them is based on feedback they get from their best people. People usually give the best scores to leaders you trust and to leaders who listen.

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The Most Essential Leadership Qualities:

Integrity is perhaps the most valued and respected quality of

leadership and one of the most important management skills you need to attain. By saying what you’ll do and then be doing what you say, you will build trust around your team.

To be successful as a leader, you need a combination of two ingredients: character and competence. You need to be a person of integrity. Someone people trust and are willing to follow.

To be trusted in business, you must be trustworthy. You must believe in yourself, your company, the essential goodness of your products and services, and in your people.

Out of all the existing leadership qualities, the most fascinating and distinguishing characteristic of level 5 is an often misunderstood trait: humility.

As it happens, humility doesn’t actually mean being humble . . . “Humility simply means you have a burning, driving, relentless ambition to serve and to win,”

“Without the arrogance to delude yourself into believing that you are knowing everything or always right.”

As a Level 5 Leader, you don’t believe you are perfect. You must, however, believe in yourself, and be convinced that you have what it takes to succeed and that you can get better. You are always looking for new ways to develop your leadership qualities and take your thoughts to the next level.

And most of all a successful leader shouldn\'t build a wall between him and his employee, in contrast, he should earn the trust of his employ. A Summery of Brian Tracy answers the question leader?essential for an effective leader.

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Maram Al-khazmary


9 Signs You’re a Highly Sensitive Person

Sensitive people get a bad rap. Research suggests that genes are responsible for the 15–20% of people who qualify as “highly sensitive.” Psychologist Elain Aron has studied this phenomenon extensively, and using MRI scans of highly sensitive people’s brains, she’s found that they experience sounds, feelings, and even the presence of other people much more intensely than the average person. Sensitivity and Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is your ability to recognize and understand emotions in yourself and others and your ability to use this awareness to manage your behavior and relationships. The good news is that highly sensitive people aren’t more or less emotionally intelligent than others.

Highly sensitive people experience things more intensely. Their strong emotions are easier to identify (and potentially use to their benefit) than the average person. This also helps them to communicate effectively because they don’t just hear the words coming out of other people’s mouths, but they also catch on to subtleties in gesture and tone.

There are trade-offs, however, as strong emotions that are left unchecked can have disastrous consequences. Highly sensitive people can use EQ to their benefit only once they understand that they are highly sensitive. This awareness ensures they reap the benefits of their heightened emotional awareness while spotting and defeating their negative tendencies. The Highly Sensitive Person

You’re likely wondering if you or someone you know are highly sensitive. The following are the most common qualities that highly sensitive

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people possess. See how many apply.

You think deeply. When life throws you a curveball, you retreat deep into your shell, thinking through every aspect of what transpired before taking any action. Small things (in your own life and other people’s lives) can have a big impact on you.

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