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6. I’m sorry for what I said ______________ 7. 没什么______________ 8. 继续努力_________________ 9. be sure to do sth.__________________ 任务二:I 1b. 再读一遍对话,用适当的词完成短文,注意动词的形式。 任务三:2 I用方框中的短语补全问句并选择正确答语。 II 翻译下列短语

1. serve the food soon ______________ 2. in a minute ________________ 3. keep sb. doing sth. ______________ 4. 准备好_________________ 5. I can’t hear clearly on the phone _______________________ 任务四:3. I 为方框中道歉的句子选择正确应答语。 II翻译下列短语

1. be late for ____________________ 2. 为…抱歉_____________________ 3. 如此、非常抱歉________________ 4. buy you a new one _______________ 5. Never mind _________________ 6. It doesn’t matter __________________ 7. 对…来说很重要________________8. 请坐____________________


Section C

第一部分 课前预习

1. exciting & tiring 形容词,exciting(令人兴奋的),tiring(令人疲劳的)都用来修


e.g. Working on the farm is really tiring. It’s exciting to watch a basketball game.

【扩展】与他们比较相近的词分别是excited (兴奋的), tired(劳累的), 通常用来修饰人。

e.g. Sally was so excited to hear the good news. I am very tired after working all day.

练习:1. I like dancing to disco, It’s so _____________(excite). 2. If you are _____________(tire), you can have a rest.

2. as 1. pre.(介词)作为...。e.g.: Do you want to work as a teacher when you grow


2. conj.(连词), 和…一样。e.g. The job is not so easy as you think. 因为。 e.g.: As I am ill, I won’t take part in the game. 3. 短语,as well, 也,等于too。

e.g.: --What other instrument can you play? -- I can play the violin as well. 3. indoor, outdoor 与indoors, outdoors

indoor adj.(形容词) 室内的,反义词:outdoor. e.g.: an indoor game 室内优秀

indoors adv.(副词) 在室内,反义词:outdoors. e.g.: He stayed indoors all day.

4. even adj.①甚至 e.g.: She can sing lots of songs and even the English songs.

②即使。e.g.: Even now it is not too late.

③还要更…,(加比较级) e.g.: He can do it even better next time. 5. into pre.(介词) ①到…里面。(从外到内的过程) e.g.: go into the room 走进房间


e.g.: translate(翻译) the sentence into English.

After years, the little girl changed into a beauty.

6. follow v.①跟随 e.g.: Follow me, I’ll go first.

②遵守,服从。e.g.: He was only following orders.

③仿效。e.g.: You’re going to follow his advice, aren’t you?

7. become v. (过去式:became)成为;变得… e.g.: We became good friends at once.

Iphone is becoming more and more popular all over the world.


第二部分 课堂任务

任务一:I 1a, 听录音回答下面的问题。 1. What is Ning going to do in March.

She is going to _________ _________ ________ the games in France. 2. Where will she be in August?

She will be in ___________(Korea/Russia). 3. What does Ning think of traveling? She ___________ traveling.

4. What does Ning think of her life?

She thinks it’s exciting but very _____________ as well. II 1b. 根据以下对林丹的简介,两人一组,用给出的问题编一段记者对林丹的采访对话,可自由发挥。


(badminton[?b?dmint?n] ),共获得15个世界冠军,在2008


1. When di you start playing badminton?

2. How many gold medals did you win in competitions? 3. Did you take part in the 2008 Beijing Olympics? 4. What are your plans for this year?

5. Did you take part in the 2012 London Olympics? …

III. 根据刚才的对话写一篇介绍林丹的短文。

__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 任务二:I 2. 阅读课文,回答下面的问题。并翻译后面的习语。 1. How long is the history of basketball?

__________________________________________ 2. Why do many people like it?


__________________________________________ 3. Where is the inventor of basketball from?

__________________________________________ 4. When did he invent basketball?

__________________________________________ 5. What did he invent basketball for?

__________________________________________ 6. How to score in the game?

__________________________________________ 7. Can you throw the ball with both hands?


8. Are there any rules that you must follow? Give some examples. ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________


1. one of the most popular sports in the world _____________________ 2. 一个多世纪__________________ 3. 在那时______________________ 4. 室内游戏___________________ 5. 目的是______________________

6. how to score ___________________ 7. put … into… ____________________ 8. from any parts of the court _____________________

9. with one hand or both hands ________________________ 10. 遵守规则____________________

11. become more and more popular___________________________ 12. 全世界________________________ II. 根据以下提示复述课文。

①one of, a history of, like to play it because … ②(第二段改写)

James, a Canadian, invented the game in 1891. He invented an …, so that …

③score, put the ball into …, … throw the ball … from … and you can throw it with …or …, but you must… ④Now basketball is …


Section D

第一部分 词汇导学

instead adv. 代替,而不是…, 指用心的人、物、事、计划、安排代替以前的

人、物、事、计划或安排。可单独使用,放于句首或句尾,也可以与介词of 连用接被取代的人、物等。

e.g.: If you can’t come today, come another day instead. I gave him advice instead of money. 练习:同义句转换。

I like chips and chocolate before, but now I like fresh fruit and vegetables.

Now, I like fresh fruit and vegetables _________ _________ chips and chocolate.

第二部分 课堂任务


1. 一个15岁的男孩__________________ 2. quite healthy ________________ 3. 一年前 _____________________ 4. get tired easily _________________ 5. see sb. doing sth. _________________ 6. 开始跑步________________

7. have a 1.5-mile run ________________ 8. 健康的饮食习惯________________ 9. build sb. up __________________ 10. have fun doing sth. _________________ 11. 在…当中表现优异_______________________ 12. boy’s 800-meter race_______________________ 任务二:根据以下提示复述课文。

①15, healthy, However, fat, loved, got. One morning, saw, looked, started.

②Now, have, drink, eat, instead. help, have great fun, feel, look. has become, be sure, do well in…



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