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Section B

第一部分 知识导学

1. patient n. 病人

e.g. There are several patients waiting to see the doctor.

adj. 有耐心的,能忍耐的。 be patient with sb. 对某人有耐心。 e.g.: A good teacher should be patient with his students. 2. ring v.(过去式rang) ①(钟,铃等的)鸣,响。

e.g.: When the bell rang, students hurried to the classroom.

② 打电话。 ring sb. up 给某人打电话 e.g.: I shall ring you up when I g et there.

n. 环状物,戒指。 如:ear ring 耳环,key ring 钥匙环, the Olympic Rings 奥运五环

3. message n. 消息,信息,音信。常用短语:leave a message 留个口信,take a

message for sb./give sb. a message 给某人捎个信儿。

send a message to sb. on the phone 用手机给…发短信。 4. bicycle n. 自行车,也可以是bike 或cycle. ride a bicycle 骑自行车

第二部分 课堂任务

任务一:I 1a, 听录音完成下面的电话留言。 Telephone Message From: __________________ To: ___________________ Date: Oct.9 Time: 12:20 p.m. Message: Don’t ____________ the _____________ tomorrow afternoon. II读对话,翻译下列习语。 1. just a moment, please. _____________________ 2. 我能和…讲话吗?_____________________ 3. I’ll ring him up later. ______________________ 4. 我能留个口信吗?______________________

5. tell sb. not to do sth. _________________________ 6. 我会通知他的。__________________________ 任务二:I 2. 听录音,完成电话留言。


任务三:3a,根据电话留言补全下面的两段对话,并翻译下面的习语。 1. is Zhu Ming there, please? _______________________ 2. Can I take a message? _____________________

3. 我什么时候才能拿到它?______________________ 4. 我想要和Jennie通话。____________________ 5. 去滑旱冰________________

6. tell her to call me back _________________________

任务四:根据电话留言,写出Betty 与Judy的妈妈之间的对话。



Section C

第一部分 词汇导学

1. happy adj. 快乐的,幸福的→__________adv. 快乐地,幸福地。→

__________adj.不快乐的。→_________adv. 不快乐地→__________n. 愉快,幸福。

2. avoid v. 避免,避开,逃避。 avoid +n./doing sth. e.g.: Try to avoid danger. 尽量避免危险。 avoid smoking and drinking.

3. helpful adj. 有帮助的;有益的;乐于助人的。由名词help +ful 构成。 e.g.: This dictionary is very helpful.

Li Ming is helpful, he usually helps others.

第二部分 课堂任务

任务一:I 读课文,用一句话来总结每一段的主要意思。 1. __________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________

II 读课文,找出文中粗体的代词所代替的名词,并翻译下列习语

1. 做一个报告______________ 2. Here is part of his talk ___________________ 3. 快餐_________________ 4. keep you healthy __________________ 5. stay safe _______________ 6. It’s necessary to do sth. ___________________ 7. 对…来说很重要_______________ 8. try to be happy __________________ 9. 另一方面____________________ 10. be happy to be healthy ______________ 11. say no to ___________________ III 根据下面的提示复述课文 Dr. Li gave a talk about health. 1. healthy eating habits. breakfast

Fruit and vegetables fast food


the right food 2. Playing sports may cause accidents stay safe first aid

help yourselves and others 3. Happiness best medicine try to be happy On the other hand… unhappy

4. avoid smoking and drinking Many students think they don’t know say no to … 任务二:1.听录音补全下面的答句。 1. What does Jane think of Dr Li’s talk? She thinks it’s interesting and _________. 2. What does Kangkang learn from the talk?

Now he knows ______________ important happiness is. 3. What should we do when we play sports? We should be very ______________.

4. What should we do with smoking and drinking? We should say __________ to them. 5. What should we learn more about?

We should learn more about _____________ good care of ourselves. 6. What is SARS?

It’s a serious _____________. II. 读对话翻译下列习语


1. How important happiness is! ________________ 2. learn more about ______________ 3. learn lot from ______________

【语法注解】How important happiness is! 这是一个感叹句,感叹句是表达惊奇、感叹的句子,常翻译成“多么的…!”常用两种结构: ①What + adi. + n. (+补充说明) What a fine day (it is)! 多好的天气啊! ②How + adj./adv. (+ 补充说明)! How delicious (the food is)! How carefully (she writes)!

任务三:3. 根据句意,用方框中的翻身代词填空。


Section D

第一部分 词汇导学

1. break v. 打破,打碎,这断:break a bottle 打破瓶子,break a record 打破记录。常见搭配:break down 打破,break into 闯入,break out 发生,突发,爆发。

2. several adj. 几个,若干

e.g.: I will stay here for several days. 3. duty n. 责任,义务,值日 e.g.: Who is on duty today?

It’s my duty to clean the classroom today. 4. leave v. (过去式 left)①离开;出发。 e.g.: We’re leaving for Canada soon.


e.g.: I left my things at classroom today.

第二部分 课堂任务

任务一:I 1a,读课文,翻译下列习语

1. 爆发______________ 2. lose one’s life ________________

3. 在那段日子里________________ 4. have to stay at home ________________ 5. learn by oneself _______________ 6. 积极参加__________________ 7. the battle against SARS________________8. 照顾__________________ 9. day and night _________________ 10. talk with sb. on the phone ____________ 11. 在那时__________________ 12. It’s one’s duty to do …_______________ II 读课文,回答下面的问题。 1. When did SARS break out in China?




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