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The advice for Kangkang

①Stay _________ ________ —________________________________

②_______ move your leg _______ _______—__________________________ ③Have a good _________ —_________________________

④Don’t ________ _______ your lessons.—________________________ ⑤__________the doctor’s __________—_________________________ III. 用should(not) / had better(not) 改写上面的建议。

任务二:2. 给图片排序,并根据提示词来分别描述每一幅图片。 1. _________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________ 4. _________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________

任务三:用适当的词补全Michael 写给Miss Wang 的请假条,并翻译下面的习语。

1. 发生事故___________________ 2. 请两天假__________________


Section D

第一部分 词汇导学

1. sick adj. 生病的,有病的

e.g.: Jane is taking care of her sick mother. 【注意】ill 也是生病的,但只能用在be 后做表语,构成be ill. e.g.: My mother is ill. 不能放在名词前做定语,不能说ill mother. 但sick 两种用法皆可。 另,在英式英语中,sick 还常指呕吐。

第二部分 课堂任务

任务一:I 1a, 听录音补全Peter 写给Lily 的Emil, 并翻译下面的句子。 I couldn’t read it until today __________________.

II 1b. 假如你是Lily, 请给Peter写一封回信来告诉他你的建议,用给出的信息补全短文。(注意语言的顺序逻辑) Dear Peter,

I’m very sorry to hear that both you and your sister are sick. Are you OK now? If you still have a sore throat , you’d better ________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 习语:both you and your sister _____________________________


Topic 2 I must ask him to give up smoking

Section A

第一部分 词汇导学

1. cause n. 原因,起因. the cause of …, …的起因 e.g.: Carelessness is often the cause of fires. v. 导致,引起.

e.g.: What caused his illness?

He often causes trouble to people. 他常给人们惹麻烦。

2. medicine n. 药;药剂,不可数名词。与pill不同,pill是指药片,可数。 【注意】吃药必须用take, 不能用eat或drink。 3. without pre. 没有。 with 表伴随时的反义词。 e.g.: Nothing could live without water. He went out without saying a word.

第二部分 课堂任务

任务一:I 1a,听录音补全下面问题的答句。 1. Why does Kangkang look tired? Because he has a _____________. 2. What caused the headache?

He ___________ a soccer game on TV last night and _____________ to bed very late.

3. What should he do to get better?

He should go to bed early _____________ and have a good ____________. II. 读对话,翻译下面的句子。

Staying up late is bad for your health. _______________________ III. 用下面的提示两人一组编对话。 A: I feel sleepy/terrible/tired. B: What caused it? A: I …

B: …is bad for…, You should … A: I see, I must …



1. do morning exercises ____________________ 2. keeping fingernails long ____________________ 3. 吃完饭马上做运动______________________ 4. 不吃早点上学______________________


Section B

第一部分 词汇导学

1. energy n. 精力,干劲,能量。e.g. He is full of energy. 2. necessary adj. 必须的,必要的。常用于be后做表语。 e.g.: Food is necessary to life.

It’s necessary for you to obey the rules.

3. enough ① adj. 足够的,充分的。修饰名词,位于名词之前。 e.g.: We have enough seats for everyone.

② adv. 足够地,充分地。修饰形容词、副词,谓语它们之后。 e.g.: This book is easy enough for me to reed.

This boy is old enough to go to school.

第二部分 课堂任务

任务一:I 1b. 看图,根据方框中的提示写出我们生活中应养成的一些好习惯,并试着说明理由。

例:1. You must do morning exercises because it can keep you fit. 2. _________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________ 4. _________________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________________ 6. _________________________________________________

习语:1. read in the sun_____________ 2. throw litter around ______________ II. 试着写一条我们在学校应养成的好习惯,并试着说明理由。

例:You must not/ Don’t walk on the lawn, because it may damage the grass. ______________________________________________________________ 任务二:I读短文,就下面四个人的问题给出建议,并说明理由。

Name Bad habit advice reason often goes to school Tom without breakfast Jim does little exercise drinks a little water Sally everyday often stay up late at Lucy nigh


II. 翻译下面习语

1. working is good exercise ________________________ 2. it’s necessary for your health. ________________________ 3. 对… 有好处____________________

4. keep you active during the day _________________________ 任务三:I,听录音,补全下面问题的答句。 1. What in Wang Junfeng doing?

He is reading an ________________ in the newspaper about ________________. 2. What does Maria’s father think of smoking?

He thinks smoking can help him ___________________. 3. Why is smoking bad for health?

Because it may cause ______________. 4. What must Maria do?

She must ask her father to ____________ up smoking. II 读短文翻译下列习语。

1. How terrible !__________________ 2. 放弃,戒__________________ 3. show sth. to sb. ____________________



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