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“ I grew up on a hundred-acre farm and had only cats 37 playmates,”Kruger,The seventy-year-old man,says. “My hearing was damaged by the 38 of farm epuipment , so I learned to connect with 39 .

39. A. animals B. friends C. farmers D. neghbors

46 in a pool of blood on the basement floor, Kruger felt 47 going into shock(休克). He shouted for help , 48 his wife, Brenda , was asleep in their bedroom at the opposite end of the house. 49 Kruger noticed Inky watching from the top of the stairs. “Go get Brenda, ” Krugger said to Inky.

Inky 50 to the bedroom door and scratched 51 until Brenda opened it. Then Inky led her to the 52 Brenda found her husband 53 the stairs and called 911.

52. A. bedroom B. basement C yard D. house



Inky 50 to the bedroom door and scratched 51 until Brenda opened it. Then Inky led her to the 52 Brenda found her husband 53 the stairs and called 911. Kruger was rushed to the hospital. 50. A. walked B. ran C. returned D. withdrew 51. A. rapidly B. suddenly C. madly D . urgently 53. A. at the bottom of B. in the middle of C. at the top of D. in the front of 通过正负解决问题!

“My hearing was damaged by the 38 of farm epuipment , so I learned to connect with 39 . They react to what they see and what you do. ”

38. A. sound B. alarm C. noise D. voice




Astronauts on shorter shuttle missions(使命)often work very long days. Tasks are scheduled so tightly that break times are often used to finish the day’s work. This type of schedute is far too demanding for long missions on the Internaitional Space Sttation(ISS). ISS crewmembers usually live in space for at least a quarter of a year. They work five days on and two days off to mimic the normal way they do things on Earth as much as possible. Weekends give the crew valuable. Weekends give the crew valuable time to rest and do a few hours of housework. They can communicate with family and friends by email, isternet phone and throhgh Private video conferenes.

While astronauts cannot go to a baseball game or a movie in orbit, there are many familiar activetics that they can still enjoy. Before a mission. The family and friends of each ISS crewmember put together a collection of family photos, messages, videos and reading material for

The astromauts to look at when they will be floating 370 kilometers above the Earth. During their missiom, the crew also receives care packages with CDs, books, magazines, photos and letters . And as from early 2010, the internet became available on the ISS , giving astronaouts the chance to do some “web surfing (冲浪)”in their personal time. Besides relaxing with these more commom entertainments, astromauts can simply enjoy the experience of living in space.

Many astronauts say that one of the most relaxing things to do in space is to look out the window and stare at the universe and the Earth’s vast land mass and oceans.

63. The passage mainly discusses how astronauts . (2012辽宁卷阅读B篇) A. work for longer missions in space B. connect with people on the Earth

C. observe the Earth from space D. spend their free time in space 词汇13大解题思路使您茅塞顿开!本题仅用代入法就解决了问题!

Astronauts on shorter shuttle missions(使命)often work very long days. Tasks are scheduled so tightly that break times are often used to finish the day’s work. This type of schedute is far too demanding for long missions

on the Internaitional Space Sttation(ISS). ISS crewmembers usually live in space for at least a quarter of a year. They work five days on and two days off to mimic the normal way they do things on Earth as much as possible. Weekends give the crew valuable. Weekends give the crew valuable time to rest and do a few hours of housework.

60. What does the word “minic”in Paragraph 1 probably mean?(2012辽宁卷阅读B篇)

A. Find B. Copy C. Change D. Lose

找到minic这个动词的宾语way,way they do things做事的方式,Find 发现?;Copy 模仿?Change 改变?Lose 失去?way they do things做事的方式,当然是模仿做事的方式喽!


In the past two decades, the Chinese studies programs have gained huge popularity in Western universities. More recently, the Chinese government has set up Confucius Institutes in more than 80 countries. These schools teach both Chinese language and culture. The main courses of Chinese culture usually included Chinese art, history and philosophy(哲学). Some social scientists suggest that Westerners should take advantages of the ancient Chinese wisdom to make up for the drawbacks of Westerners philosophy. Students in the United States, at the same time, are racing to learn Chinese. So they will be ready for life in a world where China is an equal power with the United States. Businessmen who hope to make money in China are reading books about Confucius to understand their Chinese customers.


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