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本文主要是英语相关教育论文,是英语教师必备的论文写作参考,文章版权归作者所有,转载请注明出处,本文来自免费范文网,以下是论文开始:    Humanity ? Culture ?——Wuthering Heighets’ love
    I.        introduction
    一.一             The love in Wuthering Heights
    一.二             The two main characters’ human nature
    II.     The temporal social culture and humanity
    二.一             Culture and humanity on that time
    二.二             Humanity was dispelled in a corner, social culture was filled in civic brain
    III. Catherine’s love under the social culture
    三.一    The reasons for deep love                              
    三.二   Social culture wins humanity’s love
    IV. Heathcliff’s love and hate —producing from the collision between humanity and culture
    四.一             Heathcliff’s love for Catherine causes by nature and it is unchanged and undying
    四.二             Heathcliff’s hate causes by culture which is quite incisive and vivil
    四.三             Love and hate on Heathcliff which importune himself
    四.四             Humanity’s love makes Heathcliff losing the primitive pleasure
    V.     Conclusion
    五.一  When love turns to hate , hate twists humanity
    摘要   艾米莉.勃朗特在《怒吼山庄》中,以恋情为主题,从1个侧面铺现了人性与社会文明的冲突,铺示了人性是多么繁杂的东西,而使这部小说有了令人难以健忘的处所。本文揭露了人性的繁杂与深入,在于它所包含的爱与恨,而摆布着人性的又是当时的社会文明。本文探讨了小说中的人性与文明的冲突的产物——爱与恨,而凯瑟琳以及希刺克利夫在人性与文明的影响下又怎么面对于他们的恋情。在社会文明的影响下,当恋情发生了恨,而恨去去把人性扭曲了,而有了1场社会文明下的惨剧人性恋情故事,因为当人性再度重现,已经错过了1段美丽的恋情。
    关键词:  人性    文明    爱    报复
    Abstract      In Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, based on love, on the other side, demonstrates the collision between humanity and culture. The humanity is very complex. Accordingly, this novel has the haunting plot. This novel reveals the humanity’s complexity and profundity, because it implies the love and resentment, furthermore, the humanity has impacted on the temporal social culture. This paper explores the love and hate ——producing from the collision between humanity and culture. And try to illustrate the undying love between Catherine and Heathcliff through humanity and culture and how to face their love. Under the social culture, when love turns to hate , hate twists humanity. Thereby, humanity’s love is as tragedy through


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