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【摘要】目的 评估肺结核病防治健康促进在肺结核病防治工作中的作用。方法  2010年采取随机抽样的方法对青神县6所义务制学校中小学学生每所学校抽50人,一所县级高中学校随机抽样100人;十个乡镇的农民每个乡镇按老中青各抽样100人进行结核病防治知识和行为健康教育干预,干预前后进行问卷调查,并对健康教育效果进行评估。结果 开展健康促进活动前后分别调查学生400人、农民3000人。中学生知晓率由58.15%上升到91.11%,健康相关行为正确率由12.2%上升到82.2%;农村居民知晓率由45.5%上升到57.50%,健康相关行为正确率由12.2%上升到48.6%。结论 在学生中开展肺结核病健康促进效果明显,结核病防治知识知晓率明显提高,达到了《全国结核病防治规划(2001-2010年)》2010年结核防治知识知晓率达到80%的目标;在农民中开展结核病防治健康促进结核病防治知识知晓率有一定的提高。今后结核病宣传的重点对象应为文化水平较低者、农民和学生。
【关键词】肺结核病 健康促进 效果评估
【Abstract】objective assessment of pulmonary tuberculosis prevention and health promotion in pulmonary tuberculosis prevention and control. Methods from 2010 to adopt random sampling method of county 6 compulsory school of middle and primary school students in each school draws 50 people, the County senior high school in a random sample of 100 persons; the farmer of ten villages and towns each villages and towns according to all the sample of 100 people of tuberculosis prevention and control knowledge and behavior intervention of health education before and after the intervention, questionnaire investigation, and on health education effect evaluation. The results of carrying out health promotion activities respectively before and after the investigation of 400 students, 3000 peasants were. Middle school students’ awareness increased from 58.15% to 91.11%, health related behavior correctly increased from 12.2% to 82.2%; rural residents awareness increased from 45.5% to 57.50%, health related behavior correctly increased from 12.2% to 48.6%. Conclusion in the student development of tuberculosis health promotion effect is obvious, the awareness of tuberculosis increased, reached a" national tuberculosis control program ( 2001 - 2010)" in 2010 in tuberculosis prevention knowledge rate reached 80% goals; in farmer of tuberculosis health promoting awareness of tuberculosis has increased to a certain extent. Future TB propaganda focus should be low cultural level, farmers and students.
【Key words】pulmonary tuberculosis; health promotion; effect evaluation
        1 对象与方法
        1.1 对象 根据《全国结核病防治规划(2001-2010年)》的要求,2010年青神县结核病健康促进效果评估选择了青神县6所义务制学校中小学学生每所抽各抽50人,一所县级高中学校随机抽100人,十个乡镇的农民每个乡按老中青各抽100人,进行结核病防治知识和行为健康教育干预,干预前后进行问卷调查,共计3400人。


2010年青神县肺结核病防治健康促进效果评估.doc 将本文的Word文档下载到电脑,方便复制、编辑、收藏和打印 下载失败或者文档不完整,请联系客服人员解决!
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